Saturday, November 15, 2014

Legio Maria: Background of Legio Maria

Simeo Ondeto founded the Legion Maria (Maria Legio/Legio Maria Church of Africa) in the early 1960s.  While the movement did not begin solely through the work of Simeo Ondeto, he fashioned it and made it a formidable religious group that could attract followers from different tribes and nations of the earth. Legio Maria was a transformation of the Roman Catholic Church local Legion of Mary movement into a purely new experience of God.

ALSO READ:  Who is Simeo Ondeto?

Here is the background to Legion Maria:
1.     Ready Local Environment for Legio Maria

During the late 1950s to the early 1960s, the local Kenyan scene was tense with nationalism and African fight for freedom against the yoke of colonialism. The Mau Mau and other political organizations were struggling to close the horrific Chapter of black oppression. It is during this time that resentment increased in the local churches and Africans wanted to worship God in a way that did not conflict with their traditional beliefs.  In fact, there were increased breakaway movements from the local churches as Africans formed their own independent churches.

When Simeo Ondeto appeared in the scene and was recognized immediately as a prophet and great teacher, many people traveled to listen to him. His teachings were full of inspiration and hope for Africans. He delivered the much-needed hope that the yoke of colonialism and oppression would end soon and Africans would be free again to live their own lives without being bullied around.

Simeo Ondeto also identified with and publicly supported African freedom fighters such as Dedan Kimathi, Jomo Kenyatta, Oginga Odinga, Thomas Mboya and many others. On his part, however, he insisted on religious freedom, inspiring Africans to realize that they too were created by God and were equal with other races in the eyes of God.

2. Trust in Spirits/Superstition

The environment was also ready in terms of African trust in spirits. The local communities believed in the existence of spirits (juogi) and practices such as exorcism and divination were still popular. In fact, in communities where almost all people believed in the existence of witchcraft, spiritual solutions to most of the problems and calamities were quite popular. For instance, the sick prayed to God for help, but also frequently consulted diviners, mediums and magicians for solutions. Since the locals lived in perpetual fear of witches and always looked for solutions for their fears, sickness, poverty, failure or curses from charismatics and those with spiritual power, Simeo Ondeto quickly became popular as a healer, prophet and leader of the masses by providing the spiritual solutions they sought. Indeed, through charismatic people such as Vitalis Okelo Oketa and Gaudencia Aoko, the new movement attracted streams of followers who sought for solutions to their problems.

3. Desire for Greater Inclusion in Church Service

In the local Roman Catholic Church where Simeo Ondeto was a member and auxilliary catechist, members of the congregations played marginal roles in the church services. The priests and other clergy dominated the Sunday services and interpreted the scriptures to the people, and there was minimal involvement of the lay.  On the contrary, the lay Legio Maria movement and the growing numbers of independent churches offered greater room for the lay to participate in church service, attracting more new followers than the established churches. In fact, Maria Ragot of Nyabondo in Nyakach attracted followers even from the local Roman Catholic Church because she not only offered spiritual solutions, but also allowed for greater participation of the lay in church services.

4.      Mama Maria and the Gelling of Myths

The appearance of Maria Regina Owich (Mama Maria) in the scene in the early 1960s was an important factor in the development of Legio Maria. As soon as she appeared, she immediately took up the place of Virgin Mary and was soon adored as the mother of God. But most importantly, almost all the local myths about a wandering woman in the Luo nation were associated with her. For instance, she was said to have directly fallen from heaven in a rainbow with her spiritual son Simeo Ondeto. After coming through the rainbow, she fell on Lake Victoria and lived in the lake. The local narrative about Nyamgondho Kombare was used to explain how this woman left the lake and lived with people. So Legio Maria took it that Mama Maria was the one fished out of the water by Mai, Son of Ombare, who lived in Gwassi, by the shores of Lake Victoria according to the Nyamgondho Kombare myth.

                    The  Blessed  Mama Maria (Legion Maria's Virgin Mary)

Mama Maria was then associated with the myth of Simbi Nyaima in Karachuonyo. From the story of Simbi Nyaima in which it is said that an old woman did sink an entire village because she was insulted, beaten, and denied shelter, the Legio Maria movement got a story equivalent to the mythical story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Another story that bolstered her position was that of the wandering woman called Mother of Omolo Nyunja. This story was now popular among the luo and parents used to scare their crying children to silence by threatening them with the appearance of the wandering woman. By combining these local narratives with the Fatima mysteries, the Legio Maria followers created a fantastic and pithy narrative of Virgin Mary, which helped to legitimize and promote the new movement.

5.      Testimony of Mama Maria

Mama Maria said that she had visited several Roman Catholic churches before she appeared in Legio Maria. Most importantly, she said that she was the one who appeared to Lucia Santos in Fatima. This claim immediately made her to be linked with Virgin Mary. But most essentially, she stated that she had come to Africa because it was time for Africa to lead the world into the worship of God. This statement was relevant to the African perception of themselves and for their sense of identity. The statement was also relevant in the context of independence and self-rule. Furthermore, when she united with Simeo Melkio Ondeto, the two stated that they had come from heaven and were going to lead Africans into religious independence.

6. Testimonies of Former Roman Catholics

Timothy Atila, First Pope of Legion Maria

Being initially Catholics, majority of the earliest followers of Baba Simeo Melkio and Mama Maria were Roman Catholics. These Catholics soon became the catechists and priests of Legio Maria. But more importantly, they corroborated what Mama Maria said about her journeys and revelations. The Catholics were slightly familiar with the Fatima secrets and promoted them as prophecies about Legio Maria. Furthermore, former Catholics, such as Timotheo Atila and Susana Ouma testified about their experiences with this woman when they were still Catholics. 

For example, Atila Timotheo testified that the woman appeared to her several times when he was still in school and called him to join the new Legio Maria movement. Susana Ouma testified about her experiences with Baba Simeo Ondeto right from when she was a little girl, while other former Roman Catholics like Peter Oswago, Vitalis Okelo, Romanus On’gombe, Omolo Malo Malo, Abala Rafael, Gaudencia Aoko, and Juma Pesa, all said that they had either had or known of visitations and appearances of Mama Maria. Indeed, all of them trusted and supported her claim to be Virgin Mary.

7.      Roman Catholic Opposition to Charismatics

When Legio Maria movement was still part of the Roman Catholic Church lay movement called the Legion of Mary and most of its members, including Mama Maria and Baba Simeo Ondeto attended Sunday services in local Catholic churches, the Roman Catholic Church started expressing opposition towards their charismatic powers. For instance, when Simeo was paid his first salary as a catechist, he used the entire salary to buy a huge crucifix and would go to church with this crucifix, a behavior which was distasteful to the local Catholic priests. On the contrary, the lay Legion Maria movement offered so much room for charismatics and for members to express their charismatic gifts freely. In fact, charismatics such as Maria Ragot and Vitalis Okelo were also former Roman Catholics who sought for more freedom in lay movements.

The Roman Catholic opposition occurred until after 1966. The persecution of Ondeto and other Legio Maria worshippers were instigated by the local Roman Catholic Church. Ondeto was arrested severally and was detained in a number of occasions. Ondeto was also arrested and beaten by the police and his Legio Maria headquarter at Got Kwer was burnt in 1966. But through these persecutions, the position of Simeo Ondeto as the savior of Africans from spiritual tyranny of Catholic Church was cemented. He was called savior and Messiah because of his suffering.

8.       Legio Maria Pentecostal Day

Just like Christians have a Pentecostal day and like the people of Israel were gathered at Mt. Sinai to make a covenant with God, Legio Maria Pentecostal day is the most important event in the foundation and development of the movement. The day had been predicted by Simeo Ondeto and Mama Maria, and so when it came to pass, the position of the two as true people of God was confirmed.

During the Legio Maria Pentecostal Day, a loud chorus of voices was heard by people who were gathered at John Baru’s home, in Suna Migori. The chorus was of four different but familiar Roman Catholic songs. When the chorus or spiritual voices had sung and entered at John Baru’s home, a wind of spirit filled each person who was there. Over 1000 people at once began to speak in tongues, to jump in the compound, to sing, and to proclaim the names of Simeo Ondeto and Mama Maria.

All the over 1000 people testified that they all saw angels and saints singing and joining with them. The saints and angels were also seen worshipping Ondeto, whom they saw as sitting on a throne. When finally all the noise and cheers were silent, the spirit spoke through one person, Siprianus Ochieng. It is on this day that the spirit declared Simeo Ondeto as God’s son and Mama Maria as Virgin Mary. From that day on, Legio Maria’s progress was directed by the spirit and Simeo Ondeto was worshipped as the son of God.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Simeo Ondeto taught numerous things on several topics. Here is a look at what he said about himself.

“I was in heaven before I came. I was sent to Africa by my father, the Highest God. So, fellow Africans, turn to God because you have seen his servant and heard his message.” Simeo Ondeto, Michael Omogi’s home, 1961.

“I am a true Catholic. I preach the universal unity of humankind because that is what God sent me to preach. I did not come as a protestant because I am a true Catholic. I will not join Protestants because in the Kingdom of God there is nothing to protest about.” Simeo Ondeto, Sagegi, May 10, 1959.

“In order to demonstrate that I was a true Catholic, I followed all the requirements. I was baptized in Catholic Church. I was taught catechism. I took the catechism tests as all other learners and failed four times just as other learners failed many times. I became a catechist and an obedient learner. I did this not to justify the ceremonialism of Catholic but to share in the pain of ceremonialism on the spiritual growth of humans.” Simeo Ondeto, Johannes Baru’s home, Suna, January 14, 1962.

“I am Simeo Ondeto, son of Joseph Obimbo. Our home is in Angoro Awasi and my clan is Watombori. I am a man just like you all, born of a woman.” Simeo Ondeto, Johannes Baru’s Home, Suna, January 14, 1962.

“Finally, the time has come for me and my mother to unite. Maria Regina Owitch is my mother. Not my blood parent but my spiritual mother. She was with me in heaven before we came in flesh as blacks. She loved Africa and felt sad when Africa remained in terrible darkness. Her mission is complete and the hour of union has come.” Simeo Ondeto, Johannes Baru’s home, April 4, 1962.

“Some people call me liar because I say God sent me. I say what I know is true and God the father and the Holy Spirit are my witnesses. Yes, I am a man as they call me, but I am also he whom God sent to you.” Simeo Ondeto, Amoyo, August 13, 1962.

“The glory of God is upon me. He has made me judge of the living and the dead. He has raised my throne above the thrones of created beings. He lives in me and I live in him. I am he who was to come and who has come. Truly, there is none else to come.” Simeo Ondeto, Amoyo, August 13, 1962.

“My children, I have come. I have come again as a fellow human. As someone you can eat and drink with. Why don’t you discover this truth? Your eyes seem blind; immensely blind.” Simeo Ondeto, Amoyo, August 13, 1962.

“Who is the son of God? He is the revelation of God to creations in their own form. God revealed as a human being becomes the foremost human being. God is also experienced by Angels, saints, powers and principalities, and all the hosts of heaven in their form, as the Son of God. Humans can experience God as spirit because they have spirits, but they can also experience him as human being because they are humans. This is why I am a human being.” Simeo Ondeto, November 23, 1962, Johannes Baru’s home, Suna.

“I went to Obimbo’s home in a huge cloud and whirlwind. Like a spirit they could not see me, but I could see them. Becoming a human being was a huge sacrifice. It is the most terrible sacrifice that God can make for humanity.” Simeo Ondeto Got Kwer, February 5, 1964.

“What I teach is what Maurice Otunga and John Paul teaches. We preach one God. The only difference is: they preach what they do not know but I preach what I know.” Simeo Ondeto Got Kwer, August 17, 1964.

“True religion is not shouting about how good your God is but doing the good things that make up your good God. The world is lost in hatred and wars because humanity is lost in praising its gods and not doing what their gods say. Hear me, Legio Maria! Your salvation hangs on the thread of your good works.” Simeo Ondeto, Ephesus Nzoia, December 23, 1969.

 “The son of God comes not as a sacrifice for sins but as a shining example to sinners. Sacrifices leave humans guilty of their sins, but examples inspire humans to holiness. I was not sent from heaven to be a savior through sacrifice but a savior by example.” Simeo Ondeto, Sori, June 8, 1976.

“Jesus and Ondeto are only names. Humans waste time quarreling about these names. The true path to sainthood is doing good works. The good are saved while the bad are lost regardless of the names they are proud of.” Simeo Ondeto, Mawego Kobuya, January 7, 1980.

“Soon, I will return to my father and your father. As a man, I will leave the world just as I found it. But as the son of God, I will leave behind a movement for the salvation of souls.” Simeo Ondeto, Jerusalem Amoyo, July 8, 1981.

“They say I am not observing the bible and its teachings, but do they get the salvation of their souls through that book? No! They are merely bewildered by the traditions written in that book. As for me, I know the truth that doctrines and books carry only part-truth part-untruth. But the man or woman who lives an upright life will not be lost.” Simeo Ondeto, Jerusalem Amoyo, July 8, 1981.

“I went back to heaven. You people thought I was dead for all the three days, but I was simply in Armos and conversing with my father about my earthly mission. Now, I have three years left and I will return.” Simeo Ondeto, upon his resurrection, Jerusalem Amoyo, 1988.

“I am almost departing. I feel deep pity for daughters and sons of Africa because of their hard-heartedness. May the glory of God abide with Legio Maria for generations to come?” Simeo Ondeto, Barding, September 2, 1991.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Simeo Ondeto taught many things. Today, I will sample his teachings on the unity of humanity.

“My children, I want you all to know that all humans are one. Let there be no divisions among you because of race, tribe, creed, or denominations. But as your God is one so must all of you be one. When you pray, therefore, pray for all humanity without discriminating those who do not belong to your denomination. I was not sent to witness to Africans alone, but to be a witness of the highest God to all humanity. And my witness is this: love fellow humans regardless of their tribes.” Simeo Ondeto, Sagegi, December 1959.

“God sent me to you because he loves you. He loves Africans as he loves other races. He does not want you to be lost. So, as I looked down from heaven and saw Africans being despised because of their black skin color, I felt it was good to come again as an African. The coming of God to Africa as an African helps to elevate the black skin. But it was not my intention to elevate Africans above other races. I came to preach equality and unity of humanity. You are all one.” Simeo Ondeto, Raha, January 12, 1962.

“I know many of you are now asking why Simeo Ondeto had to come on earth. Yes, that is a good question. I am the firstborn son of God and you are all my brothers and sisters. I came to teach you the right things and save you from sin and evil. I came to ask you to love one another and live in harmony regardless of your skin color, race or tribe. Up in heaven, there are no tribes. There is only a single family of God. Therefore, preach peace and unity and shun tribalism.” Simeo Ondeto, Got Kwer, August 17, 1964.

“They have done terrible things to you and me because of religion. We have been arrested, ostracized, and insulted because of our beliefs.  The Roman Catholics think they know God better than others. They also think they are on the right track than we are. I choose to forgive them because they are only blind. Religion is love and good works, not creeds and intolerance. There are so many people who are not Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and Legio Maria in heaven. In heaven, you are not asked about your tribe or religion, but you face the test of your holiness. You are judged as a human being, not a religious person.” Simeo Ondeto, Ephesus Nzoia, December 23, 1969.

“Mama Maria is my true mother. Not because of her tribe or religion, but because of her holiness and humility. There is no one among humans who has exceeded her in humility. I listen to her a lot because I know how much love she has for fellow humans. She embodies that which is good in the Kingdom of God. She is the mother of all races and the epitome of genuine worship. If there is anybody among you who follows her example in humility, that person must rise above tribe and denomination. God knows no tribes.” Simeo Ondeto, Makindani Mombasa, 1972.

“When you pray to God, avoid using foreign languages. God will hear you in your own tongue. Our Father is the God of the deaf and the mute also. He does not discriminate against anyone and responds to prayers from all humans regardless of the way they pray or the place where they pray. God judges by motives and knows the stirrings of every heart that makes prayers to HIM.” Simeo Ondeto, Jerusalem Amoyo, May 23, 1974.

“Religion is a spiritual search not the practicing of customs. As a search, humans can do it differently. God has allowed for that freedom. But when humans practice religion as a series of static customs, it becomes irrelevant and useless for the advancement of the highest spiritual goal of eternal life. Therefore, religion should never be a competition. It should never cause wars and strife. Instead, it should bring unity of ends.” Simeo Ondeto, Jerusalem Amoyo, June 14, 1978.

“I am black not because I hate white or red. Black is as good a color as white and blue and red. When black, I have a purpose just as I had a purpose when I was white or brown.” Simeo Ondeto, Manyatta, July 4, 1979.

“The foolish says in his heart: I am better than them. But the wise says in his heart: we are all the same.” Simeo Ondeto, Kodero, April 19, 1980.

“Do not despise SDAs; they are searching for God in scriptures. Sometimes they find God, sometimes they do not. Searching is a manual job with no guaranteed wages. In their search for me, some will not find me but I will not take that against them. I will keep inspiring their search so that humanity can learn its religious unity and shun its religious differences.” Simeo Ondeto, Obunga, 1985.

“When I came down to earth, I found Africa under the yoke of colonialism. Whites despised blacks, and blacks hated whites. Bloodshed was rife and humanity suffered every day. Today, whites have left Africa and ethnic hatred still soars. The duty of religious people in all this should be preaching the inevitable unity of humanity, not the pettiness of doctrines.” Simeo Ondeto, Jerusalem Amoyo, May 20, 1988.

“My time as a human being is up. I see not many years ahead. From now on, my mantle will be born by you. You will be my witnesses to the world when I am gone. But I caution all of you: let none of you preach or practice religious hatred in my name.” Simeo Ondeto, Ephesus Nzoia, December 24, 1989.

“God is the father of all humans of all races. He has no chosen races or people. All who claim that they are special because God has preferred them over others are liars. Let not anyone claim that I chose a race, a tribe, or a people. I came to the world and interacted with you, but that gives you no special place in the Kingdom of God. Only your good works will earn you a place in my Kingdom.” Simeo Ondeto, Barding Mission, Alego, September 2, 1991.

Monday, June 9, 2014


Simeo Ondeto is the spiritual son of an African mystical woman called Mama Maria. The equivalent of Virgin Mary in the Legio Maria and African Context, Mama Maria was one of the founders of Legio Maria of African Church Mission. She was not known to the early members of the Catholic Legion of Mary lay Movement in Kenya, from which the Legio Maria church emerged. When the time came for her to be known to them, Simeo Ondeto sent a band of followers led by Romanus On’gombe and Abala Rafael to go for her at Magacha and bring her to Johannes Baru’s home where members of the movement settled.

Simeo Ondeto Meets Mama Maria

Mama Maria was a very old woman by the time she met Simeo Ondeto at Johannes Baru’s home in early 1960s. Those who picked her from Magacha, such as Romanus On’gombe, have affirmed that she was too old to walk for a mile without resting. But how did she become Virgin Mary? Immediately after Mama Maria met Simeo Ondeto at Johannes Baru’s home, the two people went down on their knees and prayed briefly before they kissed warmly. Prior to this event, kissing in public was not a normal thing and the congregation was surprised and suspected that the two were also practitioners of a foreign culture.

When they greeted, she called Simeo Ondeto son, and Simeo called her mother. From that day on, Legio Maria followers knew that the two were related in a way. Simeo and Mama Maria spent some time talking, just the two of them, in Silvester Okweto’s hut. That was on the same evening of their meeting. But this did not make her the spiritual leader of Legio Maria. What made her acceptable and revered by Legio Maria was the mighty spiritual power that she had. She started appearing in visions to many Legios who were present in Johannes Baru’s home. She exorcised evil spirits only by her word. And she healed the sick and helped the needy. Most importantly, the woman exhibited extraordinary love for all Legio Marias and pronounced prophesies that came true. Equally important, Mama Maria said that she was Simeo Ondeto’s mother and was Virgin Mary.

Simeo Ondeto is pronounced as God by the Holy Spirit

It took a few months before the Legio Maria Pentecostal day came to pass. When tongues fell upon a congregation of more than a thousand people who were gathered at Johannes Baru’s home, Simeo Ondeto was declared Son of God while this woman was declared Virgin Mary. Since Legio Maria was a spirit-led church, the pronouncement by the spirit settled the position of this woman forever as Virgin Mary. When Legio Maria faithful saw the first Legio Maria ordination, this Mother Mary/nun Mary/ Virgin Mary, became the head of the female order of Legio Maria that is called nuns.

Unknown Background of Mama Maria

The family or background of this woman is unknown to Legio Maria to date. This is why they believe she came directly from heaven. Neither Simeo Ondeto nor Mama Maria made any pronouncement that this woman had a family here on earth. Both of them affirmed their coming from heaven. Moreover, nobody visited this old woman or claimed to have known her as a daughter, mother, or sister. This could have occurred because of her age, which could have possibly allowed for time for a number of her relatives’ death. But this is not a plausible explanation because even people in their late nineties can still have family members who are still alive either as sons/daughters or grandsons/ granddaughters. So it is safer to say her background is not known.

Association with Local Myths

Mama Maria is one of Legio Maria figures who are highly mythologized. While she was, indeed, a human being and she died and was buried in Ephesus church, this woman is linked to many traditional luo myths such as Nyamgondho Kombare, Simbi Nyaima, and Min Omolo Kanyunja. In all these stories, Mama Maria is presented as having wandered across several villages of the Luo nation. Most Legio Maria faithful take the myths to be spiritual direction of God and the preparation of the Luo nation for the coming of Simeo Ondeto.

Mama Maria: Saint, Not God

While she is called Mother Mary (Mama Maria) and taken to be Virgin Mary, Legio faithful do not worship the woman. However, she is adored in the same way the Roman Catholic Church adores Virgin Mary. She is considered the greatest of saints and there are special prayers that are held by Legios in reverence to her.

Mama Maria and Gaudencia Aoko

Many people and even scholars have presented a narrative that this woman is similar to Aoko. This is not true. Aoko is still alive (today June 2014) while this woman died in 1966. Aoko’s images are not used in Legio Maria worship, while this woman’s images are used. Even in Aoko’s churches, found after she left Legio Maria, this woman is highly recognized with the placing of her image on the altars. Mama Maria called Aoko to serve in her new religious movement and Aoko was just her follower. Indeed, this is the story of how Mama Maria was related to Simeo Ondeto.