Showing posts with label Mama Maria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mama Maria. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Legio Maria We Declare What We Have Heard and Seen

There is an interesting paradox in the New Testament. We are first introduced to John the Baptist as the New Elijah, the harbinger, the one who shouts in the wilderness and prepares the way of the Lord. And yet we read in Mathew 11:1-6 and Luke 7:18-35 of John the Baptist sending his disciples to Jesus of Nazareth to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah or whether there was need to wait for another Messiah.

Knowing the Messiah by Sight and Hearing

This is a really surprising turn of events. John was laboring every day and announcing the imminent arrival of Jesus. Yet, this same John was unsure of whether Jesus was the real Messiah.

So what did Jesus give as the solution to John’s question?

 Jesus told John’s disciples: “Go tell John what you have seen and heard.”

Simply, Jesus is sending them back to go share their experiences with John. He is directing them to go and tell him what they saw and what they heard because telling John this and sharing their experiences with him would easily make him recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

But what did they see? What did they hear? And what would they tell John?
They saw him thronged by crowds of people thirsty for God’s word and heard him preach to them.
They saw Him sympathize with the poor and heard him promise them heavenly riches.
They saw him cast out evil spirits and heard him use words of authority.
They saw him raise the dead and heard him say he could give eternal life to all who believe.
They saw Pharisees and Sadducees come to him and heard his bold responses to their questions.
They saw people who trusted him, disciples who worked for him, and heard people whisper in low tones that he was the messiah.
They saw many things and heard many proofs that he was the Messiah.

And taking this message back to John the Baptist would be enough to convince John that the messiah had come.

Legio Maria We Have Seen and Heard Christ

Just like the disciples of John experienced Jesus and reported back to John, Legio Maria has experienced Simeo Melkio and is reporting this to the world.

We saw him become a renowned prophet in Segegi and heard him say he was sent by God, his father.
We heard angels and saints sing from Kachola Hill to John Baru’s home.
Our eyes were opened at once and we saw Simeo seated on his throne in heaven.
We saw angels and saints bowing and prostrating in worship to him.
We received the Holy Spirit from him and did many miracles and wonders.
We saw him raise to life Amoke of Asembo who died in Kisumu.
We saw him raise to life Angelina of Seme when he passed through Seme.
We saw him raise to life a Roho Church adherent who died in Gombania, Tanzania.
We saw him raise to life son of Kalaudia who died in Nairobi.
We saw him heal Salome Owiny who had bled for 10 years.
We saw him heal Obote the mute and Dalmas Oyier the cripple.
We saw angels in our midst, and we saw saints escort us.
We received many miracles in our lives and basked in the glorious presence of him who came from above
We heard the Holy Spirit’s teaching that Jesus had come again.
And we heard Simeo Ondeto repeat that he is the son of God.

And so, what we saw and heard we believe. And that which we believe we declare to all. And our declaration is that Simeo Melkio is the glory of God.

We praise him every day, and Legio Maria sings of him every day.

We walk bare-foot in church because of his holy presence.

We make altars for him in our churches and homes, and use his images on those altars as public declaration of who he is to us.

We raise his flag and the flags of saints and angels in our churches as we declare our belief in his glory and in the truth that all saints have entered his glory.

We remove all chairs from our churches, so we can only have one seat of the lord, for we cannot sit on seats when our lord is seated on his throne.

And we implore his mercy and goodness; and work for his kingdom, for he is our God and our Lord forever.
And so what we have seen and heard, we declare to the world every day.


Litania en listi mar pak kod pwoch. Litania mar Simeo Melkio en pwoch kod pak michiwo ne ruodhwa Simeo ka iparo birone e piny kaka dhano, fwenyruok mare, kod tichne e piny. E Litania, wapako ruodhwa kendo wakwaye ngima mochwere e loch kod duon’g maler mar Nyasaye.
Litania mar Simeo Melkio itero ban’g misa, ban’g lemo jumapil, e giko lemb sawo kata nyasi, e kinde tweyo gi twonruok chiemo, kata e sap kwayo chier ne chunje jok motho.

J: Jasom Litania                   W: Ji Duto

J: Litania mar Simeo Melkio, Duon’g Maler Ahinya
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Duon’g Maler mar Nyasaye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wach Nyasaye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Rieko Nyasaye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasaye mowuok kuom Nyasaye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod Nyasaye ka wuon mare
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod Nyasaye achiel Kende
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane oa e polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane olor e bor polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane oluwo Lihudu
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane olor e kodh pee gi nyakoyi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane odoko dhano
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane ofwenyore ka Johannes Baru
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo ma malaike wero
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo ma jotakatifu pako
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mantie nyaka nene
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mochwere
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Ohulo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Hosea
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Lodvikus
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Laurida
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Emmanuel
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Melkazedek
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Enure
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Santa Maria
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Melkio
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Kristo mar ariyo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Dwok Jesus e piny
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jesus Adiera
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod Dhano
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasaye kakitwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Agweny wuod Nyototo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod min Dina
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod Angoro Awasi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Janabi ma Segegi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Japuonj Katkaism
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ngero mar Dedan Kimathi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Kingi ma Nazareth
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Kingi mar Kinge
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ruoth ma Efeso Nzoia
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ruoth Ruodhi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Rahono modhiero n’geyo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Japuonj ma Jerusalem Amoyo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jadolo ma Kalafare
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ambuor maraten’g
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach jorotenge
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Fadha William Onyango
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Osiep Fadha Chefa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Sibuor mar Dhood Luo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Lwanda joka Esau
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Hap Jorotenge
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Koko ma jochiende oluoro
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Goldi ma nengone tek
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Dher-pur mar Maria
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Onyoso wuon mo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Tipo ma wayweye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Okumbawa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Tekrewa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Japuonjwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jakechwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jachangwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jaritwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jawinj ywak ji duto
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jakony Jorit Eklisia
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jaor Jonabi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jayier jodolo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jaluong jok molal
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jachier jok motho
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jabet e kom duon’g ma e polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ruodh Loch Polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jabura maduon’g
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Yor polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jachiw ngima mochwere
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuon girkeni polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuon ut polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach ji duto
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach kwe
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach Hera
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach ratiro
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach geno
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach Ber
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach n’guono
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach yie
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach polo koda piny
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo duon’g maler machiwo ngima mochwere
W: Luongwa kar thowa
J: Simeo duon’g maler machiwo ngima mochwere
W: Yalwa gi muolo
J: Simeo duon’g maler machiwo ngima mochwere
W: Rwakwa e polo

A Ruodhwa Simeo Melkio, in e yor ngima, in e Jan’gad bura, kendo in e loyo bura. Ruchnwa gop marichowa kendo reswa e mach maoktho. Miwa yie motegno, kinda mosiko, lemo maonge jok, kod jok gi marichowa. Mi kik walal kar thowa, to mi wadonj e duon’g maler mar polo, mondo wanwan’g girkeni polo kendo mondo wamor kodi e polo, ndalo duto higni gi higni.
W. Amen.

Legio Maria Doctrines: Superiority Holy Spirit over Scriptures

I thank our Lord and God, Simeo Melkio Messiah for calling me to his glory.

This glory was promised more than 2000 years ago by Jesus of Nazareth before the end of his mission. For when Jesus knew his death was drawing near, he told his disciples about his father’s house and the glorious heavenly throne. He told them that in his father’s house are many mansions and that he was going back to heaven to prepare places for them and would come back again to take them with him to heaven. This promise of the glorious return of the son of God was repeated by the angels who stood by Jesus’ grave.

No One Knows the Hour

And when Jesus disciples were excited about the promise of glory, they sought further answers from the Lord, inquiring persistently what time those things would come to pass. But Jesus told them bluntly that of the day and the hour, no one knows except the father in heaven. And so, while Jesus spoke passionately about the signs of his second coming and described some of the things that would come to pass before that hour, he did not and could not reveal the day and time of such events.

The Holy Spirit Shall Tell You Everything

But before Jesus had died, he made another exciting promise to his disciples. He promised them of the coming of the helper, the Holy Spirit, who would tell and teach them everything, even the things that Jesus himself had not or could not reveal to them. He, the Holy Spirit, would guide them into all truth, opening their minds to the knowledge of God, and infusing them with power and gifts for serving God.

The Holy Spirit of the Father and Son

The Holy Spirit is God, and he communicates the will of God to men. He knows the plans of the father because he is the spirit of the father. And he knows the plans of the son because he is the spirit of the son. He can reveal the hidden will of the father to all men, and he can reveal the redemptive acts of the son to all men. He is the spirit that led Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; He is the guide that helped Moses and Joshua; He is the one who inspired Prophets Elijah, Ezekiel, Isaiah and all other prophets; He is the one who fell upon the disciples of Jesus during the Pentecostal Day; and He is the one who led Christianity to global triumph.

The Spirit Knows the Day and Hour

Because he is the spirit of the father, he knows the plans of the father. And since only the father knows the day and hour of the second coming of Jesus; only his spirit knows and can reveal the time. The Holy Spirit is one with the father and he is in the father just as the father is in Him. The father cannot hide any plans from his own spirit and his spirit is, therefore, in perpetual knowledge of what the father has planned.

Holy Spirit is Superior to Scriptures

The scriptures are a product of the work of the Holy Spirit. In fact, scriptures are records of the progressive self-revelation of God to men through the Holy Spirit. They are records of the human experiences of God. And since the Holy Spirit is the helper, arch-revealer and true-author of the scriptures through inspiration of the writers, He is above the scriptures.

 All scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is therefore a product of the work of the Spirit. A product is not bigger than the producer just as the end of a stream is not bigger than the source. So which is above the other? Certainly, the Holy Spirit is superior to the scriptures. The scriptures are the work of the Holy Spirit so they cannot be above the spirit.

Endless Inspiration by the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is eternal and his help to the people of God has never and will never cease. He reveals God today just as he revealed God to men in the past. And while what he has revealed today may not form part of the Old Testament or New Testament, the message is still as useful and holy as the message revealed in the past and recorded in the Bible.

Moreover, since truth has history and God reveals his truth progressively, what the Holy Spirit says today is a powerful and critical addition to what had been revealed before. In fact, today’s revelation should help men to understand the revelations of the past better and more lucidly.

And while truth from the same God should be consistent so that the past revelation remains in consonance with the present revelation, God is sovereign and chooses to reveal his truth through the Holy Spirit in ways that are in line with his will and without restricting himself to scriptural consistency and logic. And as his servants, ours is to learn what he has revealed and to obey his will.

God Deals With Us in Our Time

While scriptural arguments and logic can only create more Pharisees and Sadducees, the Holy Spirit brings us to the glorious presence and knowledge of the father. Our God knows us so well and deals with us directly during our time.  He does not deal with us today as if we live in the past, but he deals with us as those living in the present world. And he has given us his Holy Spirit today to lead us into serving him well today.

The Glory of God Was Revealed by the Holy Spirit

And today, God has revealed to us through his Holy Spirit that his son has come again. On Friday, March 9th 1962, when 1,150 people were gathered at John Baru’s home in Suna Migori, the Holy Spirit came down in wind and song, right from Kachola Hill to John Baru’s home. The Spirit of God filled all the people present, opened their eyes at once, and enable them, to experience the power and glory of God.

They saw angels and saints coming down to earth upon the clouds of heaven, and they saw Simeo Melkio seated on his glorious throne of heaven, passing judgment; and the hosts of heaven bowed and prostrated before him. Then, the spirit took control of Siprianus Ochieng and spoke to the gathering, declaring Simeo Ondeto Messias as the second Christ.

Therefore, the truth that has been revealed to us by the Holy Spirit today is that the son of God, who took up flesh as Jesus of Nazareth, has come again and taken up flesh as Simeo Melkio Ondeto. That the Christ of faith who exists eternally as spirit has become man again to fulfill the promise of God; and that he is giving glory and life to all men today. This truth has been revealed by the Holy Spirit who is above scriptures.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


There is no saint like her, and no central figure accorded so much veneration by Legio Maria faithful. St. Mary, Mama Maria or Maria Regina Owich are the names of the woman that is so much loved and so much adored that at times it is usually difficult to tell whether she is just venerated or worshipped. In truth, she is never worshipped by Legio Maria; she is only venerated and loved and exalted above all saints. And she is never confused with God, though some Legio Maria members sometimes fail to notice the difference between a saint and God, and go the extra mile to worship her. But that cannot be taken against them by the almighty God who searches all souls and judges people by their motives.

Who Is Mama Maria

The story of Mama Maria begins with narratives that often sound mythical, yet they contain mighty seeds of truth. She first features in the grand heavenly meeting of Torente (also called by Legio Maria faithful Confliutorente). Immediately before that meeting is called, Mama Maria is a resident of the heavenly city of Silita where she lives in a glorified state and receives honor from saints and the holy hosts of heaven for her unselfish role in the salvation of humanity. There, she is not called Mama Maria, but Blessed Virgin Mary, exalted forever among the saints. And honor is given to her every often through a prayer called Aksio (or Presidium), in which the holy hosts of heaven gather around the Blessed Virgin Mary’s throne to accord her due veneration for being the mother of Jesus Christ.

While at the heavenly City of Silita, the Blessed Virgin Mary learns of the impending return of the second person of the Holy Trinity to earth. She is excited by the news of Christ’s return on earth. But her excitement is not complete because the plan is that the lord is going back to the earthly city of Jerusalem again. She does not hate the return of Christ to the land Israel; in fact, she is happy for Israel. However, Virgin Mary feels that it is proper for Christ to visit another people; another race that lives in huge spiritual darkness and which has heard the least about the Gospel of salvation and glorification of humans. These people are the downtrodden Africans, the blacks of the earth. So Virgin Mary decides to visit the exalted throne of God, and to travel to the heavenly place called Armos, to request that when Christ returns to earth he should come as a black man. This way, Christ would serve to elevate the lowest race of humanity.

Her request was approved and the plan for the second coming of Christ was now designed with Virgin Mary in the thick of it. In fact, Mary was made the frontrunner of Christ when he comes again on earth. And with this approval and her inclusion in the divine plan, the hosts of heaven that honor her with praises sung with joy. But soon the divine plan had to come to pass and Virgin Mary had to leave heaven for earth in order to be the forerunner of the second Christ, Simeo Melkio. Therefore, Mama Maria is the Blessed Virgin Mary who became a member of the black race to participate not just in the second coming of Christ, but also in the elevation of the black race in the knowledge of God and in partaking in the divine plan of calling, saving and glorifying humanity.

The Blessed Virgin Mary Comes to Earth as Spirit

In the heavenly city of Silita, the Blessed Virgin Mary does not live as flesh and blood, but she lives as spirit. And when she came to earth ahead of Christ, Simeo Melkio, Virgin Mary came as a spiritual being. And when she landed on earth, she was spiritual. The spirit of Virgin Mary landed on water and from there she travelled to different lands of the world as spirit which could only be seen by people to whom God ordained that they should see her.

When speaking to Legio Maria faithful in 1964, Mama Maria said this about her coming: “When I came from heaven, I landed on water. Then I traveled across the nations of the world. I went to Egypt and Israel. I travelled to Europe and America. I was seen by many people whose eyes were opened to see me. But I was only a spirit that moved across the world and preparing the earth for the second coming of Christ.”

Indeed, by adopting Mama Maria’s teaching to the traditions and mythical stories of the Luo nation, Legio Maria members have come to believe that Mama Maria was the woman fished out of the waters of the lake by the legendary Mai, son of Ombare of Gwassi, in a Luo myth about how a poor fisherman became suddenly rich by the help of an old woman fished out of the lake. While this story is evidently mythical, it rhymes with the Legio truth that Virgin Mary landed on the sea and took up flesh.  Another Luo myth that has been adopted by Legio Maria members as a way of explaining how Mama Maria was appearing and disappearing to people and preparing the world for the coming of the second Christ is the story of Simbi Nyaima, a mythical story of a woman who sunk a village in Karachuonyo, Homabay County, Nyanza Province, Kenya. This story is also a typical myth, but Legio Maria finds it relevant because it resonates with the journeys of Mama Maria when she came on earth.

Mama Maria at Cora Da Iria in Fatima Portugal

The apparition of Mary in Fatima Portugal occurred when the Blessed Virgin Mary had landed on earth as a spirit. On the field of Cora da Iria, she appeared to three little children, Lucia Santos, Jacinta and Francesca Mato in 1917. While the appearances drew a lot of attention because of the three secrets that Mary gave to Lucia, the third secret is of major significance to Legio Maria because it carries the message of the coming of Simeo Ondeto and his revelation in the 1960s. Lucia is evidently told by Mary that she should not reveal the third secret of Fatima until 1960 because it is during that time when its meaning shall be clearer. Though, there was also the option of revealing the secret at Lucia’s death.

Black Mary Walks across Luo Villages

The story of a wandering woman that walked across the Luo nation in the 1920s to 1930s is not mythical at all.  There are people who are still alive today who actually saw the woman and saw her being ridiculed. One of the people who have testified about seeing the woman and who still live today is Romanus On’gombe. According to On’gombe, the black woman was a crazy wanderer who walked across villages and who could make repeated visits to homes where she was welcomed. On’gombe also attests that the woman actually visited their home in Suna many times and often sat under a big tree that was in their home. His father never used to chase the woman away and so she liked visiting them whenever she was in Suna.

When Virgin Mary was going about her walks across the Luo nation and was passing across the village market of Awendo, a certain dignified tailor called Omolo who was the son of a man called Nyunja of Alego, Udida Clan, decided to make for her a decent dress. Mary decided to stay with him until her dress was made. But she never left without blessing Omolo. In fact, she promised Omolo that his name shall never be forgotten among the Luos of Kenya. And therefore, whenever this woman went, she called herself mother of Omolo Nyunja of Alego. Indeed, this name stuck and even today the wandering woman is recognized among the Luo people by the name mother of Omolo Nyunja.

Mama Maria as the Forerunner of Simeo Ondeto

Just like John the Baptist who was the forerunner of Jesus Christ, Mama Maria did her role meticulously. She visited many places and appeared to many people. She did miracles and wonders. But in all these, she reminded the people that her son Jesus Christ had come on earth and was going to be revealed soon. And therefore, she appeared to countless people, including Petro Oswago, Juma Pesa, Otieno Masaga, a Bukoba woman and Maria Ragot, among others, telling them to announce to the world what she had sent them to announce: that her son Jesus Christ had come again and was to be revealed soon. Through a heavenly visit, Virgin Mary also managed to turn a drunkard called Vitalis Okelo into a preacher of the message of the coming son of God.

And when Legio Maria had taken root and Simeo was about to be revealed, Mama Maria teamed up with Simeo Melkio at the home of John Baru. In fact, Simeo had known that her mother was at Magacha and sent a team led by Abala Rafael and On’gombe Romanus to bring her to John Baru’s home. They met late in the evening, knelt down for a brief prayer, hugged and greeted, and took a few hours in Silvester Okweto’s house to catch up. That meeting came a few days before the coming of the Holy Spirit and the revelation of Simeo Melkio, and with the meeting, Legios learned that he was the spiritual mother of Simeo and the biblical mother of Jesus; the Virgin Mary herself.

Mama Maria Leads the Establishment of the New Movement

Before Mary could leave the new reign to the lord, she played her part. It was Mama Maria who led the establishment of the first Legio Maria church at Calvary Hill. When Legios were worried about not having priests of their own, it was Mama Maria who promised that Legio Maria would have its own clergy. And it was Mama Maria who led the ordination of the first Legio Maria clergy, with her appointment of Timothy Atila as the first Cardinal and then the first pope of Legio Maria.  And during the persecutions of Legio Maria, it was also Mama Maria who encouraged Legios.
Mary’s teachings about Simeo Ondeto were clear. She called Ondeto her son. She called him the son of God, and often asked Legios to accord him the worship he deserves. In one of her teachings in 1964, she says:

 “Let you not be fooled. This Ohulo (Simeo) you see amongst you is not like you. If you joke around with him thinking that he is a man like you, you will only be losing out on your chance to see life everlasting. In heaven, Ohulo (Simeo) seats in an exalted throne of God and he judges the living and the dead. There, he is not as playful as he is here on earth, and he does not tolerate sinners.”

In another teaching of hers in 1965, she said:

“Give honor to Ohulo everyday. Worship him often, and beg him for forgiveness of your sins. Let you not be fooled: Ohulo does not tolerate sins. And if you are fooled by his playfulness and his human nature, you will be lost. Make sure to give way when he comes. Never sit on a chair when he is seated on a chair.  You may never see his glory with your human eyes, but all around him, he is glorious and high above all things.”

Mama Maria Returns to Heaven

On 18th of December 1966, the earthly sojourn of Mama Maria came close to its end.  She looked sickly and meditating for most hours. And the same condition persisted from 18th to 23rd. On 23rd, she told Legio Maria members who were at Ephesus Nzoia that her time had come and her earthly pilgrimage had come to its end. Then she called Cardinal Carilus Mumbo and asked him to make sure that he informs Simeo Melkio to hurry to Ephesus. Simeo had gone to Gem to preach the word of the kingdom of God. But when Carilus Mumbo found him, he immediately asked Mumbo: “What brings you here? Is Mama Maria gone already?”

Mumbo responded to Simeo: “No. she is not gone. In fact, she is the one who has sent me to call you?” Mumbo and Simeo rushed to Ephesus Nzoia and when they arrived in the evening, Simeo and Mama Maria got into a conversation for more that half-an-hour. Then, a bright light of the spirit of Mary soon left the house where they were and dazed across the sky like lightning. People saw the light crack above the house, but they did not know that the spirit of Mama Maria was the one traveling back to the heavenly City of Silita where she lives forever. And when Simeo left the house knowing what had happened, he did not break the news to the crowd of Legios. Instead, he asked them all to pick their rosaries and begin praying. The lifeless body of Mama Maria was buried in Ephesus Nzoia Church. And that way, her earthly ministry as the one preparing the way of the second Christ came to an end.