Simeo Ondeto was a Roman Catholic by design. God had designed it that the revelation of his son, the second Christ, must occur first in the historic church, because therein lies the roots and traditions of christianity. And when Legio Maria finally took shape and Simeo Ondeto was revealed, the movement adopted the most traditional Christian prayers that had be preserved over the ages by the greatest of all Christian Churches, including the Traditional Latin Mass.
And when teaching about prayers, Simeo Ondeto affirmed the validity of both private petitions and communal prayers. He encouraged relentless private prayers and also advocated for organized public prayers.He also encouraged processional prayers as a way of publicly calling the attention of the world to the power of prayer in bringing about peace, preventing catastrophes, calling people to repentance, and making personal sacrifices.
He emphasized the need to frequently ask forgiveness of sins both from God and from the people we wrong, and taught the validity of baptism as a way of entry into the community of the glorified. Moreover, Simeo encouraged frequent communion with the saints, asking the glorified saints to pray for us and assist us on our way to heaven, and especially invoking the help of St. Mary ( Mama Maria or Virgin Mary), who is the Chief of all Saints, through Presidium (a special prayer to Mary). For more details on Legio Maria prayers, read:
5. Legio Catena In