Saturday, April 30, 2016

Legion Maria, the Faith of Ordinary Men

To the blessed faithful in Simeo the Glory, the second Christ, bounteous grace be upon you.
Brethren, we count ourselves lucky to have been called and made witnesses of the glory of God made flesh.
For this glory was promised long ago by God as the chief end of man.
In the past, this glory was hidden from the eyes of sinful man, but today it has been made open to all who believe in Simeo the Glory.
When God saw it fit to begin the plan of restoring man to the glory lost after the sin of disobedience, he appeared to Abraham and called him to leave his people and move to a foreign land.
Abraham obeyed God and took heed of the call of the almighty God. And through his faith in God, a new people emerged.
Adam disobeyed God, but Abraham obeyed his command.
 Through Adam, man lost his place in the presence of God; but through Abraham, man commenced the journey of going back to their original home.
God promised to make Abraham’s descendants a great nation. And through his son, Melkizedek of Salem, he blessed Abraham.
Brethren, because of Abraham’s faith in God, all men are called to be his descendants not in the flesh but in faith.
We are Abraham’s descendants when we heed the call of God and obey his commands.
We are Abraham’s descendants when we listen to the voice of God and follow his teachings.
We are Abraham’s descendants when we heed the call to repentance, regret our sins and commit to be new people who obey the commandments of God.
Abraham was promised a great nation and truly his descendants became a great people.
But God who is spirit and truth makes real his promise to Abraham by giving a new and glorious state to all who obey him.
And this greatness is only fulfilled when fallen and sinful men are cleansed and admitted back into the presence of God.
When men enter the glory of God, they become a new nation of Abraham’s descendants.
They sin no more, sorrow no more, labor no more and die no more for they have entered the true greatness that was promised to Abraham and his descendants.
God calls us to obedience and service, for in his glory our employment is serving him endlessly.
In Jesus the Christ, God became flesh.
He lived as a man and as a model of true obedience and service to God.
Then he died on the cross to pay the price for the sin of disobedience, breaking the bondage of sin that holds men back from righteousness.
He is the redeemer, the one through whom man overcomes the satanic call to disobey God.
Through Jesus, we see our home and walk towards it.
Jesus is the way to our home, the means to our end.
He is the fulfillment of the call of God, the beginning of the journey to glory.
In him, our disobedience is forgiven and righteousness is granted.
In him we know the truth and we are set free.
Brethren, every journey has its end. And the end of all things is God.
Whatever begins in God ends in God. And every promise made by God is fulfilled by God.
God called Abraham to obey him so that through him he could make a nation marked by obedience.
Then he sent his son as Jesus of Nazareth to show his people the way to the father and to be a ransom for the sins of all who obey God.
We are Abraham’s descendants by obeying God, but through Jesus we make the next step.
In Jesus our sins are forgiven and we are given the ticket to heaven.
In Jesus, our call is fulfilled by the forgiveness of our sins.
In Jesus, we aspire for something greater than just being called. We aspire for glory, for being part of the great nation promised to Abraham.
Today, however, God has revealed this Glory through his son Simeo Melkio. For Simeo is the same Christ of faith that took up flesh as Jesus of Nazareth.
Simeo is the last. He is the end and the fulfillment of the promise that God made to Abraham.
God promised greatness to descendants of Abraham and he has made that real by admitting obedient children into his glorious presence through Simeo the Glory.
All the works of the prophets, the witnesses of angels and the testimony of apostles end in Simeo.
The mission of Melkizedek and the death and resurrection of Jesus prepared the way for the end of all things, which is Simeo Melkio.
In Melkizedek, Abraham was blessed and the world was called to obedience.
In Jesus, the world was saved and the journey back home started.
But in Simeo Melkio, the blessed and the saved of God receive their just reward which is the glory of God.
He is the prince who previously sat on the right hand of the Father, but today he reigns with the Father having brought to fruition the seed of man that was lost in disobedience to God.
He has removed the chains of sin and death from obedient children and admitted the faithful into the glorious mansions of heaven.
Simeo Melkio is God. He is the king who reigns in the kingdom of God and he is lord over all, reigning together with his Father.
His coming is the joy of Abraham for it is the dawn of the day of making his descendants great.
His coming is the pride of Moses for it is the day of making the purpose of God’s commandments real.
His glory was the hope of Paul, the desire of Peter and the dream of all apostles.
All the saints of the past longed for the day when the hidden glory of God would be open to all and they would be allowed to enter the exalted presence of God.
In Simeo Melkio, this dream is true.
His coming has allowed the saints to ascend the throne God and to attain the greatness that was promised to Abraham’s descendants.
At his coming, Peter is present, living and ministering to us.
At his coming, Paul is present, teaching and guiding us.
At his coming, Abraham is present, calling and directing us in faith.
At his coming, Mary is present, witnessing the glory of God.
He has come with thousands of angels and saints, revealed at John Baru’s home and radiating in glory for they now live in the presence of God.
He has allowed a multitude of men to see and experience this glory and to be witnesses of its greatness to the world.
Brethren, men still wait to see the son of God descend from the clouds of heaven.
What a bunch of ignorant men!
They do not know that the coming of the son of God from the clouds means the revelation of God?
The cloud is the word used to refer to the veil that hides the glory of God from us. We don’t see God because he is hidden from us.
The cloud is a symbol for the hidden glory of God.
But when the glory of God is revealed, the cloud hiding him from us is removed and we can now see him clearly for who he is.
God is spirit and we cannot see him in the flesh unless the clouds covering our eyes are removed.
God took up flesh and his splendor and majesty was hidden from us so we could only approach him by faith.
There is no coming of the flesh upon the clouds, but there is the revelation of God as flesh.
Those who wait for the coming of the son of God on the clouds are missing the truth. He is revealed not descending.
So this is our faith.
The belief that God who is faithful has fulfilled his promise to Abraham and now makes a great nation from those who obey him.
The faith of ordinary men who witnessed the lord revealed at John Baru’s home.
The faith of ordinary women who spoke in tongues when filled with the spirit of God.
The faith of illiterate priests who read Latin Mass fluently when filled with the spirit of God.
The faith of common women who shouted the names of Peter, Joseph, Paul, Abraham and other glorified saints when their eyes were opened to see these saints in glory.
The faith of lowly men who healed the sick and performed mighty miracles through the power of God.
The faith of old men who walked for long distances in exhausting processions to declare the work of God in their midst.
The faith that made magicians to burn their books and charms in order to obey God’s call.
The faith of men who fell down on their bellies in worship as they approached the seat of Simeo.
Simeo is the call, the ransom and the glory.
He is the son of God revealed in flesh and the end of God’s appearance in flesh.
His mission is final, his work greatest and his kingdom eternal.
Jesus saves man, Simeo glorifies him.
Jesus ends sin, Simeo ends death.
Jesus is the way, Simeo is the gate.
Jesus is the truth, Simeo is the judge.
Brethren, this is our faith and our message.
It is our pride and our source of joy for it is the power of God.
Some consider it foolishness, we consider it wisdom.
Some consider it a curse, we consider it a blessing.
Some consider it a loss, we consider it a gain.
Remain steadfast brethren for you have a mighty treasure in your hands.
And let us preach the glory of God, for we have been chosen to proclaim this truth to the world.
May the glory of God be with you forever and ever. Amen.