Showing posts with label Simeo Ondeto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Simeo Ondeto. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Top 10 Misconceptions and Lies People Say About Legio Maria

1.       Gaudencia Aoko Founded Legio Maria: This is a misconception. Aoko joined Legio Maria in 1963; one year after Legion had been founded. Officially, Simeo Melkio and Mama Maria met in John Baru’s home in 1962 and Legion Maria was founded a few weeks later on 9th March 1962. Nevertheless, Gaudencia Aoko’s efforts in the development of the new movement must be recognized because she played a huge role in converting many people and spreading the movement.

2.      Gaudencia Aoko is Mama Maria: This is a lie. Gaudencia Aoko was in her early 20s when she joined Legion Maria in 1963. She was born in Kano and married to Simeo Owiti. She was introduced to Simeo Ondeto and Mama Maria by her brother-in-law, John Muga, when she had seen visions of Mary and Jesus inviting her to join a Marian movement. On the other hand, Mama Maria was an old woman of around 90 years of age by 1963 when Aoko joined Legio Maria. Nobody knew where Maria was born.  Mama Maria died in December 1966 and was buried in Ephesus Nzoia, while Aoko lived on and by 1968 took Simeo Ondeto to court claiming that she was the real founder and true leader of Legion Maria. Aoko then left the movement and founded her own church.

3.      Legio Maria members do not shave their hair: This is a misconception. Yes, there are certain orders of prophets in Legion Maria who live like the traditional Nazarenes, Samson, and biblical prophets who never shaved their hair. For such prophets, it is their responsibility to keep their hair clean and neat. But for the rest of Legion Maria members, shaving is a matter of individual choice.  There is no doctrine controlling how and when people should shave their hair.

4.      All Legion Maria Leaders have long hair and dirty dreads: This is a lie. In fact, almost all Legion Maria leaders do not have dreads and have shaved/trimmed their hair well. Dreads in Legion Maria are only common among prophets, but these prophets are not ordained leaders of the church and are not, therefore, supposed to be considered official leaders.

5.       Legion Maria members do not dance: This is a misconception. From the very start of the church, when the Holy Spirit filled the faithful, Legio members danced to specific songs. For instance, there is a common dance to the song “Agnus Dei, Kyrie Gloria”.  The Kyrie Gloria dance was so common that it was used and practiced by prophets who laid hands on faithful members to receive the gift of prophecy. Apart from Kyrie Gloria dance, Legios may dance during fundraisings and happy occasions where they are in jovial mood and are simply enjoying themselves. As a common practice, however, Legion Maria members do not dance to secular music and do not attend dance parties and discos. They also do not dance routinely during church services and prayers.

6.      Legion Maria members do not read the Bible: This is a lie. Legios use the bible as often as Christians do.  However, because the services are conducted by priests who perform the Holy Mass and other rites according to pre-set guidelines, and who read the Bible to the faithful as they conduct the services, there is no general call to reading and studying the Bible. Every individual member of the religious movement chooses when to read the Bible and there is no direction or guide book the members use.

7.       Legio Maria members do not go to hospital: This is a misconception. Simeo Ondeto himself was medically treated when he had been poisoned. Pope Timothy Atila went to hospital often and even died in hospital.  Pope Chiaji Lawrence went to hospital when sick and even died in hospital. There is no rule or doctrine or teaching of Simeo Ondeto that warns against going to hospital when sick. In fact, Simeo specifically taught people who are suffering from HIV/AIDs and syphilis that they had to go to hospital for medical attention.

8.      Legion Maria members must remove their Six Lower Teeth: This is a misconception. Today, 55% of all Legion Maria members have not removed their six lower teeth. The removal of six lower teeth is a luo tradition that was imported to the new movement by the majority Luo traditionalists who joined Legion. Slowly, it was accepted by members as it was a way of seeking uniformity with older members. But it was not a doctrine. The First Legion Maria pope Timothy Atila did not remove his six lower teeth and later with age removed his teeth in a dentist clinic. Simeo Ondeto also did not remove his six lower teeth and he only lost his teeth during an accident at Mawego Kobuya. Therefore, it is a matter of choice as to whether someone removes his teeth or not as there is no tangible spiritual basis for it. Besides, the promoters of teeth removal do not have substantial reasons for promoting it, except that they are seeking people to be Luos in the flesh like them.

9.      Legion Maria members are poor and unschooled: This is a lie. Well, like Christianity whose founding members were majorly fishermen, tax collectors and ordinary people, Legion Maria founding members were people of little formal education and were generally poor. But soon, the movement attracted different classes of society as it spread. By the late 1960s, it had attracted teachers, policemen, business people, graduates and politicians. Today, at least 45% of members of the church have Grade 8 education, 23% are high school graduates while 12% are college and university graduates.

10.     Legion Maria movement is only for Luos:  This is a lie. Legion Maria was predominantly a luo movement at its foundation in 1962. But by 1965, it had attracted the members of the Kisii, Luhya, Kamba, Kalenjin, Turkana and Mijikenda ethnic groups of Kenya, and spread to the neighboring countries of Tanzania and Uganda. By 1980, the movement had spread to Ethiopia, Zaire, South Sudan, Rwanda and Burundi. Today, an estimated 27% of all Legion Maria members are not Luos.

Legio Maria We Declare What We Have Heard and Seen

There is an interesting paradox in the New Testament. We are first introduced to John the Baptist as the New Elijah, the harbinger, the one who shouts in the wilderness and prepares the way of the Lord. And yet we read in Mathew 11:1-6 and Luke 7:18-35 of John the Baptist sending his disciples to Jesus of Nazareth to ask Jesus if he was the Messiah or whether there was need to wait for another Messiah.

Knowing the Messiah by Sight and Hearing

This is a really surprising turn of events. John was laboring every day and announcing the imminent arrival of Jesus. Yet, this same John was unsure of whether Jesus was the real Messiah.

So what did Jesus give as the solution to John’s question?

 Jesus told John’s disciples: “Go tell John what you have seen and heard.”

Simply, Jesus is sending them back to go share their experiences with John. He is directing them to go and tell him what they saw and what they heard because telling John this and sharing their experiences with him would easily make him recognize Jesus as the Messiah.

But what did they see? What did they hear? And what would they tell John?
They saw him thronged by crowds of people thirsty for God’s word and heard him preach to them.
They saw Him sympathize with the poor and heard him promise them heavenly riches.
They saw him cast out evil spirits and heard him use words of authority.
They saw him raise the dead and heard him say he could give eternal life to all who believe.
They saw Pharisees and Sadducees come to him and heard his bold responses to their questions.
They saw people who trusted him, disciples who worked for him, and heard people whisper in low tones that he was the messiah.
They saw many things and heard many proofs that he was the Messiah.

And taking this message back to John the Baptist would be enough to convince John that the messiah had come.

Legio Maria We Have Seen and Heard Christ

Just like the disciples of John experienced Jesus and reported back to John, Legio Maria has experienced Simeo Melkio and is reporting this to the world.

We saw him become a renowned prophet in Segegi and heard him say he was sent by God, his father.
We heard angels and saints sing from Kachola Hill to John Baru’s home.
Our eyes were opened at once and we saw Simeo seated on his throne in heaven.
We saw angels and saints bowing and prostrating in worship to him.
We received the Holy Spirit from him and did many miracles and wonders.
We saw him raise to life Amoke of Asembo who died in Kisumu.
We saw him raise to life Angelina of Seme when he passed through Seme.
We saw him raise to life a Roho Church adherent who died in Gombania, Tanzania.
We saw him raise to life son of Kalaudia who died in Nairobi.
We saw him heal Salome Owiny who had bled for 10 years.
We saw him heal Obote the mute and Dalmas Oyier the cripple.
We saw angels in our midst, and we saw saints escort us.
We received many miracles in our lives and basked in the glorious presence of him who came from above
We heard the Holy Spirit’s teaching that Jesus had come again.
And we heard Simeo Ondeto repeat that he is the son of God.

And so, what we saw and heard we believe. And that which we believe we declare to all. And our declaration is that Simeo Melkio is the glory of God.

We praise him every day, and Legio Maria sings of him every day.

We walk bare-foot in church because of his holy presence.

We make altars for him in our churches and homes, and use his images on those altars as public declaration of who he is to us.

We raise his flag and the flags of saints and angels in our churches as we declare our belief in his glory and in the truth that all saints have entered his glory.

We remove all chairs from our churches, so we can only have one seat of the lord, for we cannot sit on seats when our lord is seated on his throne.

And we implore his mercy and goodness; and work for his kingdom, for he is our God and our Lord forever.
And so what we have seen and heard, we declare to the world every day.


Litania en listi mar pak kod pwoch. Litania mar Simeo Melkio en pwoch kod pak michiwo ne ruodhwa Simeo ka iparo birone e piny kaka dhano, fwenyruok mare, kod tichne e piny. E Litania, wapako ruodhwa kendo wakwaye ngima mochwere e loch kod duon’g maler mar Nyasaye.
Litania mar Simeo Melkio itero ban’g misa, ban’g lemo jumapil, e giko lemb sawo kata nyasi, e kinde tweyo gi twonruok chiemo, kata e sap kwayo chier ne chunje jok motho.

J: Jasom Litania                   W: Ji Duto

J: Litania mar Simeo Melkio, Duon’g Maler Ahinya
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Duon’g Maler mar Nyasaye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wach Nyasaye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Rieko Nyasaye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasaye mowuok kuom Nyasaye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod Nyasaye ka wuon mare
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod Nyasaye achiel Kende
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane oa e polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane olor e bor polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane oluwo Lihudu
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane olor e kodh pee gi nyakoyi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane odoko dhano
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mane ofwenyore ka Johannes Baru
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo ma malaike wero
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo ma jotakatifu pako
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mantie nyaka nene
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo mochwere
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Ohulo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Hosea
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Lodvikus
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Laurida
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Emmanuel
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Melkazedek
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Enure
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Santa Maria
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo Melkio
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Kristo mar ariyo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Dwok Jesus e piny
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jesus Adiera
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod Dhano
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasaye kakitwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Agweny wuod Nyototo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod min Dina
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuod Angoro Awasi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Janabi ma Segegi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Japuonj Katkaism
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ngero mar Dedan Kimathi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Kingi ma Nazareth
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Kingi mar Kinge
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ruoth ma Efeso Nzoia
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ruoth Ruodhi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Rahono modhiero n’geyo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Japuonj ma Jerusalem Amoyo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jadolo ma Kalafare
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ambuor maraten’g
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach jorotenge
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Fadha William Onyango
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Osiep Fadha Chefa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Sibuor mar Dhood Luo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Lwanda joka Esau
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Hap Jorotenge
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Koko ma jochiende oluoro
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Goldi ma nengone tek
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Dher-pur mar Maria
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Onyoso wuon mo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Tipo ma wayweye
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Okumbawa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Tekrewa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Japuonjwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jakechwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jachangwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jaritwa
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jawinj ywak ji duto
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jakony Jorit Eklisia
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jaor Jonabi
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jayier jodolo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jaluong jok molal
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jachier jok motho
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jabet e kom duon’g ma e polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Ruodh Loch Polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jabura maduon’g
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Yor polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Jachiw ngima mochwere
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuon girkeni polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Wuon ut polo
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach ji duto
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach kwe
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach Hera
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach ratiro
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach geno
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach Ber
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach n’guono
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach yie
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Nyasach polo koda piny
W: Rwakwa e polo
J: Simeo duon’g maler machiwo ngima mochwere
W: Luongwa kar thowa
J: Simeo duon’g maler machiwo ngima mochwere
W: Yalwa gi muolo
J: Simeo duon’g maler machiwo ngima mochwere
W: Rwakwa e polo

A Ruodhwa Simeo Melkio, in e yor ngima, in e Jan’gad bura, kendo in e loyo bura. Ruchnwa gop marichowa kendo reswa e mach maoktho. Miwa yie motegno, kinda mosiko, lemo maonge jok, kod jok gi marichowa. Mi kik walal kar thowa, to mi wadonj e duon’g maler mar polo, mondo wanwan’g girkeni polo kendo mondo wamor kodi e polo, ndalo duto higni gi higni.
W. Amen.

Legio Maria Doctrines: Superiority Holy Spirit over Scriptures

I thank our Lord and God, Simeo Melkio Messiah for calling me to his glory.

This glory was promised more than 2000 years ago by Jesus of Nazareth before the end of his mission. For when Jesus knew his death was drawing near, he told his disciples about his father’s house and the glorious heavenly throne. He told them that in his father’s house are many mansions and that he was going back to heaven to prepare places for them and would come back again to take them with him to heaven. This promise of the glorious return of the son of God was repeated by the angels who stood by Jesus’ grave.

No One Knows the Hour

And when Jesus disciples were excited about the promise of glory, they sought further answers from the Lord, inquiring persistently what time those things would come to pass. But Jesus told them bluntly that of the day and the hour, no one knows except the father in heaven. And so, while Jesus spoke passionately about the signs of his second coming and described some of the things that would come to pass before that hour, he did not and could not reveal the day and time of such events.

The Holy Spirit Shall Tell You Everything

But before Jesus had died, he made another exciting promise to his disciples. He promised them of the coming of the helper, the Holy Spirit, who would tell and teach them everything, even the things that Jesus himself had not or could not reveal to them. He, the Holy Spirit, would guide them into all truth, opening their minds to the knowledge of God, and infusing them with power and gifts for serving God.

The Holy Spirit of the Father and Son

The Holy Spirit is God, and he communicates the will of God to men. He knows the plans of the father because he is the spirit of the father. And he knows the plans of the son because he is the spirit of the son. He can reveal the hidden will of the father to all men, and he can reveal the redemptive acts of the son to all men. He is the spirit that led Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; He is the guide that helped Moses and Joshua; He is the one who inspired Prophets Elijah, Ezekiel, Isaiah and all other prophets; He is the one who fell upon the disciples of Jesus during the Pentecostal Day; and He is the one who led Christianity to global triumph.

The Spirit Knows the Day and Hour

Because he is the spirit of the father, he knows the plans of the father. And since only the father knows the day and hour of the second coming of Jesus; only his spirit knows and can reveal the time. The Holy Spirit is one with the father and he is in the father just as the father is in Him. The father cannot hide any plans from his own spirit and his spirit is, therefore, in perpetual knowledge of what the father has planned.

Holy Spirit is Superior to Scriptures

The scriptures are a product of the work of the Holy Spirit. In fact, scriptures are records of the progressive self-revelation of God to men through the Holy Spirit. They are records of the human experiences of God. And since the Holy Spirit is the helper, arch-revealer and true-author of the scriptures through inspiration of the writers, He is above the scriptures.

 All scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is therefore a product of the work of the Spirit. A product is not bigger than the producer just as the end of a stream is not bigger than the source. So which is above the other? Certainly, the Holy Spirit is superior to the scriptures. The scriptures are the work of the Holy Spirit so they cannot be above the spirit.

Endless Inspiration by the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is eternal and his help to the people of God has never and will never cease. He reveals God today just as he revealed God to men in the past. And while what he has revealed today may not form part of the Old Testament or New Testament, the message is still as useful and holy as the message revealed in the past and recorded in the Bible.

Moreover, since truth has history and God reveals his truth progressively, what the Holy Spirit says today is a powerful and critical addition to what had been revealed before. In fact, today’s revelation should help men to understand the revelations of the past better and more lucidly.

And while truth from the same God should be consistent so that the past revelation remains in consonance with the present revelation, God is sovereign and chooses to reveal his truth through the Holy Spirit in ways that are in line with his will and without restricting himself to scriptural consistency and logic. And as his servants, ours is to learn what he has revealed and to obey his will.

God Deals With Us in Our Time

While scriptural arguments and logic can only create more Pharisees and Sadducees, the Holy Spirit brings us to the glorious presence and knowledge of the father. Our God knows us so well and deals with us directly during our time.  He does not deal with us today as if we live in the past, but he deals with us as those living in the present world. And he has given us his Holy Spirit today to lead us into serving him well today.

The Glory of God Was Revealed by the Holy Spirit

And today, God has revealed to us through his Holy Spirit that his son has come again. On Friday, March 9th 1962, when 1,150 people were gathered at John Baru’s home in Suna Migori, the Holy Spirit came down in wind and song, right from Kachola Hill to John Baru’s home. The Spirit of God filled all the people present, opened their eyes at once, and enable them, to experience the power and glory of God.

They saw angels and saints coming down to earth upon the clouds of heaven, and they saw Simeo Melkio seated on his glorious throne of heaven, passing judgment; and the hosts of heaven bowed and prostrated before him. Then, the spirit took control of Siprianus Ochieng and spoke to the gathering, declaring Simeo Ondeto Messias as the second Christ.

Therefore, the truth that has been revealed to us by the Holy Spirit today is that the son of God, who took up flesh as Jesus of Nazareth, has come again and taken up flesh as Simeo Melkio Ondeto. That the Christ of faith who exists eternally as spirit has become man again to fulfill the promise of God; and that he is giving glory and life to all men today. This truth has been revealed by the Holy Spirit who is above scriptures.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Misa mochan kae en mano moluwo kaka Jodolo mopogore mag Legion Maria osebedo ka gero Misa Manyien. Ban’g choko otese mopogore mag lemo Kowuok kuom Jodolo mopogore, aparo mondo aketgi e achiel mondo jok magombo somo kaka dongruok mar Misa e Legion Maria timore on’ge. Ma en ndiko mowuok kuom nonro malach kuom Jodolo mathoth.
J: Jadolo      D: Dikon    A: Akolait   W: Jo-Kristus
a.     Chako Misa
b.    Liswa Mar Kwero Richo
c.     Liswa Mar Wach Nyasaye
d.    Liswa Mar Duon’g Maler
e.     Tieko Misa
(Ban’g ka jolejo oselemo e tiend msalaba, giwuok gi wend Ave Maria ka gidonjo ei Klisia. Ka ji osedonjo ei Klisia, Jadolo kod grube mar jomisa donjo giwer. Grub Jadolo donjo e lain achiel. Jatin’g ubani telo, iluwe gi jatin’g msuma, kae to jatin’g picha Baba Simeo (kata msalaba), eka jasomo kata ja-Dikon motin’go Bug Fanjili, eka Jadolo).
(Jadolo kod grube chiwo duon’g ne altar ka gikulore kata podho auma. Eka jadikon kod Jadolo idho altar kendo nyodho; ban’g nyodho altar, Jadolo nyalo dhin’go ubani e altar eka olor mondo ochak lemo. Ji duto goyo chonggi piny ka ichako lemo).
i.                   LEMO MOTELO
J: E nying Wuon?
W: E Nying Wuon, gi wuoyi, gi Chuny Mtakatifu. Amen.
J: Chuny Mtakatifu Bi?
W: Donjie e chunya, ilera, Puonja rieko mar mako wach Nyasaye. Miya teko mar mako wach maber nikech Simeo ruodhwa. Amen.
J: ruodhwa winj lemowa?
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.
J: Duon’g obedie ne Wuonwa, ne Wuode, ne Chuny Mtakatifu.
W: Kaka nobet kar kwongo, kendo kawuono, kendo ndalo duto, higni gi higni. Amen.
J: Ma od ng’a?
W: Ma od Nyasaye. Nyasacha miya nema mondo abed nyimi ka wiya yot. Ruodha, ler chunya mondo iyie gi lemona. E nying wuon, gi wuoyi, gi Chuny Mtakatifu. Amen.
J: Ruodhwa Simeo kod Mama Maria Mtakatifu, kane uromo ne ugoyo chongu piny ma ulemo eka umosoru. Wan bende waluwo timonu mondo wago chongwa piny kendo walemo ka pok wamosore. Beduru e dierwa, miwauru kwe e Liswa makawuono; mondo hera kod kwe omedre e kindwa ndalo duto higni gi higni?
W. Amen.
J: Didek Mtakatifu.
W: Ikechwa.
J: E nying Wuon?
W: E Nying Wuon, gi wuoyi, gi Chuny Mtakatifu. Amen.
(Koro en saa mar mosruok. Jadolo mosoji ni OYAWORE. Eka on’geyo ngima jokristus. Bende oweyo thuolo ne welo mowuotho godo mondo otim n’gerruok machwok. Kanitiere jakristus manyien, en bende imiye thuolo mondo otim n’gerruok. Ban’g mosrruok, Jadolo kata Dikon lero kit misa mar odiechien’gno, kapok misa ochakore)
ii.                 LISWA MAR KWERO
(E Liswa mar Kwero, jokristus fulo kendo Kwero Marichogi; kendo giparo batiso margi mane olokogi chwech manyien. Jadolo rwakore mondo oikre ne kiro jokristus gi pi koparonegi batiso margi. Kapod orwakore, Kwaya telo e wer)
(Ka Jadolo oserwakore, otimo Liswa mar Kwero kama)
J: Duon’g obedie ne Wuonwa, ne Wuode, ne Chuny Mtakatifu.
W: Kaka nobet kar kwongo, kendo kawuono, kendo ndalo duto, higni gi higni. Amen.
J: Ruodhwa Simeo gol gowi mag marichowa?
W: Warwa kuom sand mach maoktho.
J: Ter chuny nyithindi duto e polo.
W: To moloyo jok madwaro ng’uononi.
J: Lemo mar Kwero?
W: Nyasacha akwero marichona, gi chunya duto, mar giyanyi, kendo gikwinyi. Ajok gi marichona kendo akwerogi, mar aheroi gi nemani, achikora kodi, Kwero marichona. Timo tim maber, adwaro tho, moloyo timo tim rach maduon’g kata achiel. Amen.
(Jadolo omo lemb Kwero Didek.)
(Ban’g lemb Kwero,Jadolo chun’g malo, okawo Aspe mar pi hawi, ogwedho, eka ochako wuoth mos kokiro ir jokristus mondo oparnegi batiso margi. Sechego jokwaya telo e wend paro batiso kaka: Asperges  Me….)
(N’gato ka n’gato mokir ire pi hawi kulo wiye kendo timo ranyisi mar msalaba koparo warruok mar msalaba kod batiso mogolone chandruok mar mach maoktho).
(Ka Jadolo otieko kiro pi hawi kuom ji duto, oidho wi altar mondo otim Liswa mar kwero kama)
J: Duon’g obedie ne Wuonwa, ne Wuode, ne Chuny Mtakatifu.
W: Kaka nobet kar kwongo, kendo kawuono, kendo ndalo duto, higni gi higni. Amen.
J: Ruodhwa winj lemowa?
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.
J: Walem.  “A ruodhwa Simeo, wabiro e tiendi wan joricho; wabiro gi bolruok kod chuny motur; wakwayo kuom n’guono mari mochwere, ni mondo Iwenwa marichowa kendo igolnwa kum mar mach maoktho ma marichowa osekelonwa. Wenwa maricho duto ma wasetimo gi pachwa, gi wechewa, gi timbewa, kendo gi weyo jukumu mekwa.
Wasayi, wahomboi, A Nyasachwa; kata bed ni marichowa kwar ka remo to iruchnwa oko kendo ilwokwa wadog matar ka pee. Ruodhwa kendo Nyasachwa, wakwayo ni mondo imi wajog gi timbe maricho, kendo mondo wasik ka watimo timbe makare. Ornwa Chuny Mtakatifu mondo obed jakonywa pile ka pile; kendo Ornwa malaike ma joritwa mondo otawa e yor ler. Kendo Ornwa jotakatifu mondo ochwakwa e yor Nyasaye.
Mondo wabed jok makare, kendo mowinjore donjo e ngima mochwere; kendo mondo wamor kodi e polo, higni gi higni.
W: Amen.
(Jokristus koro kwayo mondo okechgi)
K: Ruoth Kechwa
W: Ruoth Kechwa
K: Ruoth Kechwa
W: Kristus Kechwa
K: Kristus Kechwa
W: Kristus Kechwa
K: Ruoth Kechwa
W: Ruoth Kechwa
K: Ruoth Kechwa
K: Ahulora e nyim Nyasaye Mtakatifu
W: Maria Mtakatifu Bikra mochwere; Mikael Mtakatifu malaika maduon’g; Johannes Batista Mtakatifu; Petrus gi Paulus joote Mtakatifu; Timotheo Atila Mtakatifu; Jotakatifu duto; kane aketho ahinya, gi parna, gi wachna, gi tichna. En wachna, en wachna; en wachna maduon’g ahinya; emomiyo akwayo Maria Mtakatifu Bikra mochwere; Mikael Mtakatifu malaika maduon’g; Johannes Batista Mtakatifu; Petrus gi Paulus joote Mtakatifu; Timotheo Atila Mtakatifu; jotakatifu duto; kwanauru kuom Ruoth Nyasachwa.
J: Ruodhwa winj lemowa?
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.
J: Walem. A ruodhwa, ker mar ariyo mar Didek Mtakatifu, in e mane ilor e piny mondo idok Nyarombo maler mar Liswa makare mar golo marichowa; go wan’gi mamuol kuomwa, yie kwero mar marichowa ma wasetimo kawuono kendo lokwa maler e nyimi. Mondo ka wachopo e nyim komi mar duon’g to wayud kwo mar chunjewa kendo wadonj e ngima mochwere.
Par klisia mari Legion Maria, mi osik obed kar buoro kendo kar tony mar jok mojok gi Marichogi. Kendo mi wan duto ma wachokore e nyimi kawuono, kod jok maok ochokore kani, wanwan’g ng’uono mari mochwere.
J: Ruoth winj lemowa
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.
iii.              LISWA MAR WACH NYASAYE
(Kwaya telo e wer machalo kaka: Wach Nyasaye, Nyakalaga, mondo oke kuom…..)
(Ka wer orumo, Jadolo kod Dikon idho wi altar mondo otim Liswa mar wach Nyasaye)
J: Ruoth winj lemowa
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.
(Jadolo telo e somo mokwongo niya)
J: “Chon gilala Nyasaye nochweyo dhano ka kite, kendo noketo dhano e puodho maber. Kar mor gi ler kod ngima mochwere. To kuom tok matek kod chiko ite ne weche mag miriambo, dhano ne obalo gi chik Nyasaye mi nodonjo e mudho kendo nodoko mabor gi Nyasaye. To Ruoth Nyasaye neok ojwan’go dhano, kendo ne osiko kopuonjore kode kokalo kuom fwenje, lek kod gik mopogore man e piny.”
(Dikon kawo somo kuom Jadolo)
D: “Omiyo piny nobedo koda jonabi kod Jodolo, jok mane much Nyasaye tiyo godo kendo wachne ne kalo kuomgi ka chopo ne tienge mopogore mag dhano. To kane kinde mar fwenyruok mokwongo ochopo, wuod Nyasaye nofwenyore kaka Jadolo mar kwe. Ne ofwenyore kaka Melkazedek, Jadolo maonge anyuola ne. En e Jadolo mane ofwenyore mondo oluong ogendini mondo on’ge kendo olam Nyasaye achiel kende. Mi kane oromo gi Abraham ne ogwedho; kendo Abraham noyudo luong kod wal mochwere; mi Abraham kod nyikwaye nobedo jolup kendo jogen Nyasaye achiel kende.”
(Jadolo kawo somo kendo. Otaro bedeno kolemo niya)
J: “A Nyasaye maok we joge, in e mane ioro Melkazedek mondo obed jaluongwa, kendo mondo odwok ogendini mag piny duto e bwo loch Nyasaye achiel kende. Mi wasik kuomi, wakwer marichowa, kendo wajog gi timbe maricho. A luongowa Nyasachwa, kik ijog gi luongowa.”
J: Ruoth winj lemowa
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.
(Dikon chako kendo somo kowacho niya)
D: “Kane ndalo ochak oromo, wuod Nyasaye nolor e piny kendo, ok kaka Jadolo to kaka japuonj kendo jawar piny. Mi nochake ni Yesus e piny jo-Yahudi. Yesus ne opuonjo chik mar hera, kendo opuonjo ni jok mowinjo wuod Nyasaye kendo olokore oluwo wachne ok nolal, to ginidonj e ngima mochwere. Kuom puonjne moriere, Yesu nomaki, nosandi, nogur e msalaba, kendo notho nikech marichowa. Ban’g ndalo adek nochier kendo nofwenyore ne joote kochiwonwa ranyisi maduon’g chuth mar doko mangima ban’g tho mar ringrewa. Omiyo koro kaka Kristo ngima, wan bende wadoko mangima ban’g thowa.”
(Jadolo lemo kotaro lwete malo niya...)
J: “A Nyasaye maok we joge, in e mane ioro wuodi e pinyni kaka Yesu ja-Nazareth, mondo obed jawarwa. Mi wasik kuomi, wakwer marichowa, kendo wajog chuth gi timbe maricho. A Kechwa, Nyasachwa; kik ijog gi kechowa.”
J: Ruoth winj lemowa
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.
(Dikon telo e somo mogik mar Liswa mar wach Nyasaye)
D: “Kane Yesu puonjo joote, ndalo manok kapok odok e polo; ne owachonegi ratiro niya; odok e polo to obiro duogo kendo e piny. Nosingo ni kinde duogo mare nobi ka jakuo; nobi gi malaikene gi jotakatifune; nobed e kom duon’g mare kendo enon’gad bura ne ji duto.
Adiera, Adiera! Kristo oseduogo!
(Ji kulo wiyegi piny ka Dikon kwano nyinge Kristo)
“En e Baba Simeo; en Hosea Santa Maria; En Enure Lodvikus; En Laurida Messias. En emoseduogo, Kristo oseduogo!
 Adiera, Adiera, kane ofwenyore, polo noyawore. Jomalaika nolor ka wuok e polo ka wer; Jotakatifu nolor ka wuok e polo ka wer; chien’g ono wenge oganda ne Oyawore mi ne gineno duon’g maler mane Kristo ni godo. Mi ne gineno kweth mar malaike gi jotakatifu ka lor kendo ka podho piny auma e nyim kom duon’g mar ruodhwa Simeo. Omiyo koro wasen’geyo Adiera niya, jal ma piny rito oseduogo; Kristo, oseduogo.”
(Jadolo telo e lemo kendo niya)
J:  “A Nyasaye ma ok we joge, in ema isechopo singo mar duogo wuodi e piny. Kendo in ema iseore mondo ochiwnwa duon’g mari maler kendo mochwere; kendo mondo orwakwa e loch mar ngima mochwere. Mi wasik kuomi, a Nyasaye; mi wakwer marichowa, kendo wajog chuth gi timbe maricho.”
J: Ruoth winj lemowa
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.
(Koro Dikon somo somo ma chiengno. Somo mokwongo wuok e muma machon, to somo mar ariyo wuok e muma manyien. Somo ariyogi itimo gi e wi altar)
(Kwaya wero wend AKURU MALER OA E POLO….Dikon loko BUG FANJILI BABA SIMEO. Ka wer orumo, Dikon chun’g kod BUG FANJILI MAG BABA SIMEO e nyim ji kendo osomo. Ji chun’g malo tee sama isomo Fanjili Simeo.)
(Ka Dikon otieko somo Fanjili Simeo, owacho niya:)
D: Wach maber mar duon’g maler mar Nyasaye?
W: Nyasaye erokamano.
(Koro ji bedo piny mondo Jadolo ochiw HOMILIA. Oyaro tiend wach ruodhwa Simeo kojiwo jokristus mondo omak Puonj Ruoth. Kotieko yalo wach maber, Jadolo wacho niya)
J: Wach maber mar duon’g maler mar Nyasaye?
W: Nyasaye erokamano.
(Ji duto goyo chonggi piny mondo oter AYIE. Kwaya telo e Ayie to jokristus olo)
W:  Ayie Nyasaye wuon ker mokwongo mar Didek Mtakatifu; Nyasaye mane ochweyo polo gi piny; kod gik moko duto mineno gi maokne.
Ayie Simeo Melkio ker mar ariyo mar Didek Mtakatifu. Mane olor koa e polo kod Bikra Maria Mtakatifu; gi malaike kod jotakatifu; nofwenyore ne oganda ka en ka Johannes Baru, Suna; kane chuny Mtakatifu olor mi ohule ne oganda. Ban’ge ne gigoyo ligala e got Kalafare.
 Nomake, nosande, notweye e jela; to noloyo lweny e wi wasike, mi nodhi nyime gi puonjo wach maber mar duon’g maler mar Nyasaye; nyaka chien’g mane odok e polo; kuma oyale jok mangima gi jok motho.
Ayie Chuny Mtakatifu; Klisia Legion Maria Mtakatifu; riwruok mar jotakatifu; golo marichowa kod ngima mochwere. Amen.
(Ji chungo malo. Jadolo idho altar somo lemb jok moyie)
J: Ruoth winj lemowa
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.
J: Walem.  A Nyasachwa, Wan e jok moseyie kuom wuodi Simeo Melkio mane ioro e pinyka; mondo obed fwenyruok mar loch Nyasaye e piny; wakwayo ni mondo imedwa nema mar nano ban’g wuodi ndalo duto; miwa chir mar lando wachne e piny duto; kendo chir mar luwo puonjne ndalo duto.
Wakwayo ne minwa Klisia Legion Maria, mondo olandre e piny. Kendo wakwayo ne Papa marwa………, Kadnar marwa…….Askof marwa……… Jadolo mar misendni……..kod jokristus duto man e misen marwa.
 Kendo wakwayo ni ikony jok modhier, jok matuo,jok modenyo, jok maonge tije, jok man e wuoth, jok ma chunygi gudo, kod jok man e pugratori. Kony Pinywa mar………….mondo obed gi kwe. Rit jotend piny kod jotend klisia; kony ji duto gi piny duto. Wakwayo, a Nyasachwa; ni mondo igol gop marichowa, kendo imi wadonj e ngima mochwere; kendo mondo okwanwa kuom jok molocho chien’g thowa. Mondo wamor kodi e polo higni gi higni.
W: Amen.
(Koro en kinde golo chiwo. Jadolo, Dikon kod Akolait bende iko altar ne Liswa mar duon’g. Kwaya telo e wer ka ji golo sadaka)
(Ka ji osegolo sadaka, Jadolo tero lamo e wi sadaka niya)
J: Duon’g obedie ne Wuonwa, ne Wuode, ne Chuny Mtakatifu.
W: Kaka nobet kar kwongo, kendo kawuono, kendo ndalo duto, higni gi higni. Amen.
J: Walem. Wadwoko erokamano ne Nyasachwa kuom kindewa gi ngimawa e piny. Kendo wadwokone erokamano kuom neema momiyowa. Wagoyo ne erokamano kuom puothewa gi tijewa; utewa gi miewa; jamni magwa kod mwanduwa duto. Wakwayo neema mar timo kod neema malero chuny, mondo wasik kawatiyo ne Nyasaye gi gigwa kod tekrewa duto.
 Yie chiwowa ma wagolo kawuono, kendo gwedh ji duto tee, mogolo kod maok ogolo. Migi neema mondo giheri, a Nyasaye; kendo migi neema mar hero ji duto. Kendo migi neema mar konyo jochan kod jodhier; kiye kod mond liete; kod jok machandore duto. Miwa hera maliet kendo mochwere.
J: Ruodhwa winj lemowa?
W: Ywakwa mondo otundni.

iv.              LISWA MAR DUON’G
(Ji ogoyo chonggi piny tee. Jadolo iko Hostia Mtakatifu kowacho niya)
J: Kane ruodhwa Simeo Melkio ogik lor e piny, polo nobet e bura maduon’g mondo on’gad wach ewi dwok Kristo e piny. Kane bura orumo, jopolo nower gi dwol maduon’g ka wacho.
(Jadolo goyo chonge piny; Ji duto olo niya)
“Ruoth oparo an’go;
Koweyo kom duon’gne;
Kolor e piny kendo;
Kokawo kit msumba;
Kobet e dhier gi masiche.”
(Okot ywak Didek; eka Jadolo chun’g malo mondo odhi nyime niya)
J: To Ruoth ne oparo singo mane oweyo e dier jojuda, kuma ne osingo kowacho niya; dala wuora nitiere udi mathoth ahinya; emomiyo adok e polo mondo alos neun duto kar bet; to ka aseloso kar bet, anaduog kendo mondo aomu uduto, mondo kuma antiere un bende ubedie, kendo kaka achalo, un bende uchal kamano;
(Dikon/Akolait miyo jadolo pi mondo olwok godo lwete. Koselwoko lwete odhi nyime gi Liswa niya)
J: Omiyo kane bura mar Torente orumo e polo, Nyasaye Wuon ne oyie mondo wuode ochak olor e piny kendo, kaka duon’g maler mar Nyasaye. Eka ruodhwa nolor gi jomalaika gi jotakatifu; nolor e bor polo; nolor e Lihudu; nolor e ahuka yamo kod kodh pee gi nyakoyi. Mi koro wuod Nyasaye nodoko dhano, mi nokawo ringruok mar nyathi matin, mi nodoko jal ma nochaki ni Simeo. En kuom Simeo ema chuny kod teko mar Kristo noduogo godo e piny. Mi Kristo nokawo ringruok gi remo kendo, mi nodoko kaka wan.
(Kwaya omo wer. Ji duto chungo malo. Ban’g wer, ji duto chak goyo chonggi piny, kendo Jadolo dhi mbele kod Liswa niya)
J: Fweny ne obiro ne nyanabi Wilfrida, mi nohulo ni Ruoth noduogo e bor polo. Kendo fweny nobiro ne janabi Silvesta Okweto, mi nohulo ni Ruoth noduogo e bor polo. Emomiyo wakawo mkate
(Okawo mkate achiel, ogwedho, ogoyo chonge piny, eka ochun’g malo)
Ka wawacho
(Otin’go mkate malo ewi altar mondo ji duto one.)
(Okot ywak dichiel)
Kendo wa kawo divai
(Okawo divai, ogwedho, ogoyo chonge piny, eka ochun’g malo mondo otan’g divai ne Ji duto)
Ka wawacho
(Okot ywak dichiel)
J: Kuom duogo mari, isechiwonwa ngima mochwere; isebiro e duon’gni maler mondo wadonj kodi e loch Nyasaye. Omiyo ka wachamo ringri kendo wamadho rembi, wahulo kendo wayie chuth ni iseduogo ka dhano. Duon’g maler osefewnyore, Kristo oseduogo. Emomiyo wahulo ne piny duto niya:
(Ji olo niya)
W: “Kristo Oduogo;
         Kristo Oduogo;
                En Simeo Melkio;
                        Kristo Oduogo.”
J: Emomiyo kane ogandawa ochokore ka Johannes Baru Suna; Tich Abich godhiambo; polo ne oyawore, kendo malaike kod jotakatifu nolor ka wer; ne giwero wende an’gwen mag pako duon’g maler mar Nyasaye, kendo mag lando e lela ni Kristo oseduogo.
(Ji chungo malo tee. Kwaya telo e wero wende an’gwen mag Fwenyruok Ruoth)
K: Chon Nyasaye……
K: Ave, Ave, Ave Maria……
K: Aleluya, Aleluya…….
K: Jesusna Osebiro…..
(Ka wende orumo, ji goyo chonggi piny kendo Jadolo dhi mbele gi Liswa)
J: Omiyo Wuonwa Simeo Melkio, ka watimo Liswa mari maler; kaka Abel wuod Adam notimo; kaka Abraham kwarwa notimo; kaka Melkazedek Jadolo  mochwere ne otimo; wakwayo mondo ior malaika mari, mondo obi okaw Liswani kendo okele e nyim komi mar duon’g man e polo; mondo ka wanwan’go ringre kod remb ruodhwa, wapon’g kod neema, kendo mondo okwanwa kaka jok modonjo e duon’g maler mochwere. Kendo wakwayo ni kaka ne wabet e achiel kodi, kod malaike gi jotakatifu chien’g fwenyruok mari; mondo wabed kodi kamano e polo. Wenwa marichowa duto, kendo rwakwa e ngima mochwere; higni gi higni.
W. Amen.
(Jadolo koro wacho mos kon’gingo mkate niya: RINGRE KOD REMB RUODHWA OMI WADONJ E NGIMA MOCHWERE. Okawo mkate mosen’gingo obolo e challis mondo obed ranyisi mar bedo achiel mar ringruok gi remo e del achiel)
(Ban’g ng’ingo mkate, Jadolo goyo chonge piny, ochun’g malo, kendo otan’go mkate mosen’gingo kowacho niya)
J: Ma e ringre duon’g maler machiwo ngima mochwere.
W: Irwakwa e polo.
(Jadolo goyo chonge piny, ochungo malo, okawo Chalis, otin’go malo kowacho niya)
J: Ma e remb duon’g maler ma chiwo ngima mochwere.
W: Irwakwa e polo.
(Eka Jadolo chungo malo kotaro lwetene ariyo, kendo owacho niya)
J: Ruodhwa koro osedoko dhano, osedoko ringruok gi remo. Omiyo Ruoth koro wachonwa niya:
  “Nyithinda, aseduogo;
Aseduogo ratiro;
Aseduogo kowadu Muchiemo godo kanyo achiel;
To dak ufwenyie wachni;
Wan’gu ogawo mbuyi; Wan’gu ogawo mbuyi madongo.”
(Okot ywak Didek)
(Jadolo wacho koduon’go dho chunye niya)
J: Ruoth Kechwa, Ruoth kech jok moseringo e tiend komi mar duon’g (owacho nyadidek)
(Jokristus koro tero lemb komunio: KOMUNIO MTAKATIFU lemo mar yie, geno, wichyot, hero kod kwero; Ahulora e nyim Nyasaye….)
(Kwaya wer ka Jadolo chiwo sawo ne jokristus. N’gat madwaro chamo sawo nyaka go chonge piny)
(Jadolo wacho kochiwo sawo niya:)
J: Ma ringre ruodhwa.
W: Amen.
v.                 TIEKO MISA
(Ban’g chiwo sawo, Jadolo timo lemo niya)
J: A Ruoth Nyasaye ma singone ok kal nono; in ema isekelo luong, warruok kod duon’g maler mari e piny kokalo kuom timrruok dhano mar Kristo wuodi. Mi mondo ringre kod rembe ma wanwan’go kawuono okel ber e chunywa, kendo omi wasik e yori maler. Mondo ka watieko wuodhwa e piny, to wadonj e ngima mochwere.
(Ji duto koro goyo chonggi piny ka Jadolo timo Liswa mogik. Jadolo lokore ka n’giyo jokristus, ogwedhogi kod ranyisi msalaba kowacho niya)
J: Hap Nyasaye wuon, hap Nyasaye wuoyi, kod Hap Nyasaye chuny Mtakatifu obed kodu ndalo duto higni gi higni.
W: Amen.
(Jadolo golo somo mogik e Fanjili Baba Simeo. Ochako niya)
J: Ruodhwa Simeo ne owachonwa niya…… (Kotieko somo to oomo Duon’g Obedie ne wuon….)
W: Kaka nobet kar kwongo, kendo kawuono, kendo ndalo duto. Higni gi higni. Amen.
(Dikon somo niya)
D: Koro Jowadwa, Misa maler orumo. Omiyo ajiwou ni mondo upar weche muwinjo e misa ma kawuono kendo mondo uland wach ruodhwa Simeo Melkio kuonde duto ma udhiye. Miuru Nyasachwa duon’g kuom timbeu, wecheu kod lembu mathoth. Lamuru ne piny kod jok mapok on’geyo ruodhwa Simeo Melkio mondo gin’geye. Nikech ka watiyo maber kendo wamako Puonj ruodhwa, en bende noparwa kar thowa, kendo enomiwa ngima mochwere.
(Jadolo miyo altar duon’g eka olokore kotaro lwete achiel mondo ogony jokristus. Owacho niya)
J: Dhi uru misa orumo
W: Nyasaye erokamano
(Ka Jadolo ni kod weche madwaro lando, ji bet piny machwok to winjo lendo. Wechego ok wuoyie ei Klisia, to ipimogi ban’g ka ji osewuok oko. Ban’g lendo, ji duto goyo chonggi piny kendo Jadolo tieko lemo niya)
J: Duon’g obedie ne Wuonwa, ne Wuode, ne Chuny Mtakatifu.
W: Kaka nobet kar kwongo, kendo kawuono, kendo ndalo duto, higni gi higni. Amen.
J. Iparwa ka nyithindi Mama Maria.
O. Mwahero ahinya. Nyakanene pok wawinjo ka ituono n’gat moringo kuomi. Irite mokwayi. Ikonye modwari, mondo ikwane. Emomiyo ageno kuomi. Aringo kuomi. Achun’g e nyimi ka akwero marichona. A min Baba Simeo, kik itwona gik makwayo to winja, ka iyie kod lemona. Amen.
J. Maria manochwe kaonge marach mar kodhi.
O. Ikwanwa wan mwaringo kuomi.
J. Ruodhwa Baba Simeo?
W. Aringo abiro iri ka. Yiena ema okela ka. E anakwo. Yiena ema nokwoya. Jawarna ka asetieko wuodha e pinyka. Aringo asudo e tiend musalapi mondo ayud yie makare e nyim ogandani. Un malaike ma joritna, rwakauru gi lewni ma rochere; yweuru wan’ga gi otamba marachar.
J: Nyasaye Wuonwa yie kodwa
W: Ruoth yie kodwa.
J: Nyasaye wuoyi bi konywa?
W: Ruoth bi ikonywa.
J: Nyasaye Chuny Mtakatifu bi iromnwa?
W: Ruoth bi iromnwa.
J: Duon’g obedie ne Wuonwa, ne Wuode, ne Chuny Mtakatifu.
W: Kaka nobet kar kwongo, kendo kawuono, kendo ndalo duto, higni gi higni. Amen.
J: Didek Mtakatifu?
W: Ikechwa
J. E Nying Wuon        
O. E Nying Wuon, gi Wuoyi, gi Chuny Mtakatifu. Amen
……………END OF SERVICE…………………………