Wednesday, November 11, 2015


(Praise Mama Maria for who she is. Praise her because she is worth praising)
(Pak Mama Maria nikech gima en. Pake nikech oromo pako)
1.         Ayaaye Maria Sulwe;
Sulwe ma Silita, Ararat gi Paw Romo;
Sulwe manorieny e polo ka ruoth oduogo;
Sulwe mar Okinyi ma jamondo yawo pinje;
Sulwe ma Jatelo e wan’g yore ne nyithindo;
Sulwe ma jarieny e paro koda chunje;
Rienywa; Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
2.         Maria in Opija majahuyo e gwenge;
Mama in Akuru majapiyo e adundowa;
Maria in Ogaro majagaro mudho ne oganda;
Mama in Aluru majaluro mondo yuorwa lweny;
Konywa; Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
3.         Wuon Mesa, wuon Presidium, wuon Aksio;
Maria wan ne ok wan’geyo chakruok timo Mesa;
To kuom herani, wasedoko jotimo Mesa;
Donge Mesa ne ilorgo koa e polo;
Mondo oganda oyud polo Kowuok e Mesa;
Are Jiwwa e timo Mesa; mondo walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
4.         Kane ogik chien’g chiwo Mesa ne ogandawa;
Donge Okweto wuod Okinda emane imiyo lek;
E lekno, Okweto noneu ka ulor e kor polo koda Mesa;
E lekno, Okweto noneno ka Mesa lor e Chula moro;
E lekno, Okweto noneno ka nyithindo ariyo luoro Mesano;
E lekno, Okweto noneno ka oganda ogoyo chonggi piny tee gi kanzu rachar;
Nikech lekno, Okweto nogoyo koko mobwogo ji;
To kare Mama emofwenyo Mesa ne ogandane;
Medwa neema mar timo Mesa;
 Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
5.         Kane ogik chien’g goyo ligala;
Donge in emane itelo ewachni;
Maria nikelo fweny ne Silvesta Okweto kaka lek;
E lekno niluongo Okweto kinyise ni chung malo seche oromo;
Okweto ne ochun’g mowuotho nyaka e wi got;
Donge ewi got, Okweto ne oyudi, kisetelo, ibedo e kidi, kar ligala;
Donge ewi got, ne inyiso Okweto ni mano e dala, ka-Josef Maligala;
Are luongwa kendo chokwa e godi mar kwe, mar hawi, koda mirembe;
Jiwwa; Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
6.         Bikira Maria, min Yesus, min Jawar;
In ema Roho Maler nowerni chien’g fwenyruok ruoth;
Donge Roho Maler nowero Ave chien’g pon’go rombe;
Kendo Roho Maler nohulo e lela ka ji obedo;
Ni in e Maria, mamin Yesus, kendo min konyrruok;
Kendo ni in e Maria, mamin Ohulo, min Simeo;
Min piny tee, Minwa, konywa;
 Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
7.         Kane ogik chien’g sand ruodhwa, e dierwa, e dier joraten’g;
Maria niwuok oko gi Rosari mar kwe, mar baro Lwenje;
Mama nilemo, kikwayo polo, mondo orit chunje, mag ogandawa;
Maria nilemo kisayo Malaike, mondo oteg chunje, mag ogandwa;
Maria nilemo, kikwayonwa neema, mar dhil, kod nano, seche sandruok;
Maria niluongo oganda tee mondo olam Rosari mar loyo Lwenje;
Ganwa lweny; Walem mayom e n’guono Nyasaye; Amen.
8.         Bikra Maria, mane okoro weche, mane ojiwo rombe;
Donge in e Mama, mane okoro Meli marang’ongo, motin’go rombe;
Donge in e Maria, mane okoro wuok Lejo, e dala Kopere, kochomo got;
Donge in e Maria, mane okoro idho, god milambo, kar kwero richo;
Donge in e Maria, mane okoro golo Tabernakel, koda Hostia, e dala Kopere, kikelo got;
Donge in e Maria mane oluongo pate koda mathe madolonwa;
Donge in Mama, mane ohelo agulu, mar Katena koda Rosari, ne ogandawa;
Puonjwa; Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
9.         Mama Maria in e Rejina; Mama in e Makulata;
Mama Maria in e Madona; Maria in Almasi;
Mama Maria in e Od Zabu; Maria e Dhahabu ma nengone tek;
Mama Maria, Min lemo; Bikra Maria, wuon Lejo;
Mama Maria in e Nyamrerwa; Mama in e Daktari mothiedho tuoche tee;
Mama Maria, Kinefe; Mama Maria, Sitela;
Mama Maria, Victoria; Mama Maria, Gloria;
Telnwa; Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
10.       Bikra Maria, ineno nade, mamawa;
Medwa neema mar paki kapod wangima;
Medwa neema mar dendi pile pile;
Medwa neema mar pwoyi, kendo mar werni seche duto;
Donge in e miyo achiel kende moromo pako;
Donge in e miyo mang’uon moloyo mon duto;
Chia mari e moromo, berni emoromo pako;
Mwol mimwolgo, emakweyo chunywa;
Hera mari emajiwowa;
Bende duondi ematego chunywa;
Jiw chunywa, walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
11.        Maria sama ionge wakuyo;
Sama ilin’g alin’ga waparore;
Sama wabudhoni to chunywa ner;
Ka ionge to wadon’g gi lich;
Nikech sama ijwan’gowa to jochiende mor;
Parwa, walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye, Amen.
12.       To sama ibiro wamor sidan’g;
Nikech ka wamosi wapon’g gi mor;
Bende sama ipuonjowa to chunywa nyak;
In e tachwa mamenyonwa yo;
In e okumbawa magen’gonwa;
Bende in e odungawa mwakedogo;
Morni e morwa, to bironi e gwethwa;
Wecheni gerowa, siemni to rieyowa;
Konywa; Walem mayom e n’guono Nyasaye; Amen.
13.       Bikra Maria kul wiyi piny mondo irangwa;
Kik ber mar Silita mi wiyi wil kodwa;
Rangie piny jorotenge, ne kaka nyosro obagowa kodi;
Ne kaka siasa koda bund-ich opogowa kodi;
Ne kaka modhi mane ikwero osegolowa eyo;
Raha mane igolowa emawadokie;
Chiemo mane itamori ema wachamo;
Kuoth gi miriambo, sunga gi n’gayi opon’go Klisiani;
Wakiare wanjawore, kendo wathin’gi wadun’gni;
To Mama kik iwewa, kik ikunwa;
Bi parwa idwokwa eyo; puonj jogi mondo iriegi;
Taa jogi ipon’g abila; nimar kijwan’gogi n’gama nopaki;
Gin e jogi miseko manyo; gin e jogi miseko luongo;
Tim ng’uononi ikony ogandani;
Ware konywa; Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
14.       In Maria mayande nogoyo ligala kaonge dichwo;
Piny ne chokore ka wuoro, ni imiyo manade magoyo ligala kende;
To kare neok gin’geyo ni polo emane oori e piny;
Neok gin’geyo ni polo emane otiayo seyi mondo ilor e piny, un kod Simeo taya;
Maria wan emane polo oori mondo ichokwa;
Donge wan emane polo oori mondo igolwa e nawi koda Ndagla, juok koda ajuoke;
Donge wan emane polo oori mondo igolwa ei on’gono koda nan’go buru;
Donge Mama wan emane ibiro mondo inyiswa yo, yor ngima mochwere;
Makulata wadwokoni erokamano kuom luongowa kendo lokowa magi;
Ritwa ndalo duto kapod wangima; tegwa pile kisiemonwa yo;
Mi wajok gi marichowa kendo wakwergi gi chuny motur;
Kendo mi warit chikeni gi puonjni, mondo ibed jakakorwa ndalowa te;
Konywa, walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
15.       In  e Awiti mane piny owito oko, maji oyanyo ewan’gayo;
In e Nyar Mgondho mane Mai Kombare ogolo e nam;
In e Min Omolo Kanyunja mane ochando kar buoro;
In e Nyaima mane oimo gwen’g mar Simbi ka anjawo opon’go;
In e Auka yamo mane oromo gi Petro Oswago etiend Aora Kitweru;
In e Auka yamo mane oromo gi Johanes Juma Pesa e kanisa Kopere;
In e Maria mane otiso Maria Ragot e gwen’g Nyabondo, ei Nyakach, kendo omiyo teko mar tiso rombe;
In e Maria mane ogolo yadh chang e gwen’g Bukoba;
In e Maria mane oloko Vitalis Okelo Oketa ka ja-kon’go mangoga;
Bikra Maria in e sinani mane onano kod thurwa ka otimo mudho mandiwa;
Kik ijwan’gwa koro; konywa;
Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye; Amen.
16.       Maria ne isandori ne thurwa;
Par ndalo mane iwuotho e gwengewa, Matindo koda madongo;
Par ndalo mane mon wuokni oko kayanyi e wan’g yore; ni jacham nyithindo kalo;
Par ndalo mane nyithindo luwi ka werni ka janeko e wan’gyo;
Par ndalo mane ichando kar buoro e thurwa;
Piny ne yusoni kendo runi oko e pap;
Chien’g ne chami oko, koth be goyi oko e wan’gyo;
Luya ne chotni godiechien’g, to koyo ne chami oko gotieno;
To Mama ne ok ijok kodwa, wan jorotenge;
Omiyo parwa, kik ijwan’gwa;
Walem mayom e ng’uono Nyasaye. Amen.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Mary Comes Again: The Nyamgondho K’Ombare Narrative

(These are the words of Mama Maria as she described her second coming to earth. She says that she was fished out of the lake).

“After the dismissal of the Great Assembly of Sayun, I boarded my jet to the earth. Upon arrival, my plane hovered over the earth for quite a while. It surveyed different continents of the world before landing. 

And as my jet flew past India, I directed my pilot, saying:
‘Do not land there. I have been there before. Take me back to Africa.’

So my jet arrived in Africa and landed in East Africa, in Lake Victoria.

I Am the Star of the Lake

I am the star of the lake. I am the one whom the nations are waiting for.
The West is waiting for me and the East too is waiting for me. Europeans are waiting for me and Indians are waiting for me. All the kingdoms of the world are waiting for me.

 But it will still take a while before they find me because my light must also shine in Africa before everything else can be fulfilled.

You the Luos, the lord is among you. He is the God of Jacob, the one who has been abandoned by the West. Hold firmly to him so he does not abandon you too.

The New Greeting

I have brought you a new greeting. It is a gesture that the world shall hate. It is the greeting of ‘glory be with you’.

Therefore, from today onwards, salute one another this way, ‘glory be with you,’ regardless of the hour of the day, even at night.

I have opened the gate of heaven for all of you. Emmanuel has opened the gate of heaven and left it fully open.

Therefore, all of you should pray for the glory of God.

All of you should have a steadfast hope in eternal life.

Ooh, Africans! Lift your eyes up and look up to heavenly treasures.

I Am the One Fished Out of the Lake

I am the one who was fished out of the lake by Mai, son of Ombare.

I am the one who was fished out of the lake with a trap.

Remember that story, you elders.

Mai took me and dressed me up with good clothes.

But after I had given him wealth, he became too proud of himself and started drinking alcohol excessively.

And when he was drunk, he would insult me shamelessly before the public.

I pleaded with him to stop drinking, but he did not take heed of my words.

Therefore, when I could no longer take his insults, I went back to the lake with all my wealth.
Mai was shocked and he died by the shore.

Alcohol is Cursed by God

The almighty God has cursed alcohol. You must stop drinking alcohol now.
Arrogance, rudeness and insults are also forbidden by God.

I Have Come With All Types of Rewards

I have come with all sorts of rewards. My hands are overflowing with rewards.

On my left hand, I have earthly rewards, which are the riches of this world.

And on my right hand, I have heavenly rewards, which is eternal life.

If you receive from my left hand, you should be very careful.

The riches of the world may lead you astray, just as they did to Mai and led him to hell.

Had Mai listened to me and stopped drinking he would now be a saint in heaven.

The Meeting in Heaven: Consliumterente

(This is the story of the meeting of heaven that led to the coming of the Glory of God. Below is a description of the meeting by Mama Maria)

Arrival for the Meeting

“In heaven, they call me Mary. My dwelling place is the heavenly city of Silita.
So before the meeting, I had to board my jet to the heavenly city of Paradise where the meeting was set to occur.
My jet moved at a very high speed, and I arrived at the platform of Paradise before Messiah (Baba Simeo) arrived.
As soon as I arrived, the band of Paradise began to play, giving me a warm welcome as I mounted the podium of Paradise.
Messiah’s jet landed soon after my arrival, just as the band was still playing.
And the band of Paradise continued playing even after his arrival in order to give us a great welcome.

Messiah’s Jet

Messiah came in a jet written “Jet 9”.  It is a jet that moves very fast, covering 9,000 miles per second.
It is always on the flight mode and must leave the runway as soon as it lands.
And because his jet must leave as soon as it lands, Messiah did not take long in Paradise. He talked to me briefly and left immediately.
As he was leaving, he instructed me, saying:
‘Remain behind and wait for the book of the new covenant. You must sign the book of covenant before you leave Paradise.’

Proceedings of the Meeting

Paradise is the place where I went to plead my case for the covenant of Glory.
It is where the angels gathered to witness a great case and to see a great battle.
And it is where the angels and saints joined me in the battle.
This is why we sing the song:
‘Our victory is of God, Alleluia we shall overcome, with the power of our God.’
‘With the angels on our side…’
The case was supposed to last for 9 months, but it took 3 years to conclude because every session was used only to resolve one issue.
In fact, after one question was asked and I responded to it, the proceedings were immediately adjourned until the next session.

The Victory

After 3 years, the case was concluded and the covenant of Glory was granted.
To launch the covenant, I had to break the seals of the book of covenant first.
Breaking the seals involved carrying the bowl of blood and having it sprinkled over my body.
Therefore, I went straight to the bowl of blood and lifted it in my hands.
When I did so, the blood in the bowl drenched my body and the seals of the book covenant were broken.
And when the angels saw this, they were filled with joy and sung loudly, saying:
‘What makes the Lord, leave his throne, to be a man again, and suffer as a slave?’
That is the song that the angels sung.
And when the angels of the order of Latilati heard the song, they declared with authority:
‘Now, the case is closed!’

Latilati Lead the Way

As I left the podium of Paradise, the Band Of Paradise sung a sweet song in honor of the new covenant.
They were singing like human beings, saying:
‘Paradise is open, Paradise is open; Paradise is open for the saints of the Lord.’
And when the angels of the order of Latilati saw me preparing to leave Paradise and ready to take up human flesh, they immediately left their stations to go ahead of me.
Latilati are angels with great prowess in war. They have very powerful wings, more powerful than the wings of a jet. And they cover 10,000 miles per second.
So when they heard the band singing, they took off quickly ahead of me and landed in Sayun.
When Latilati arrived, the Sayun bell which normally rings once in one year was rung twice to a profound surprise of the hosts of Sayun who had never heard the Sayun bell ring twice in one day.
Therefore, the hosts of Sayun, who include righteous priests, monks, Levites, deacons, nuns and Presidium clerics, rushed out of their mansions, even without wearing girdles on their robes.
And they assembled at the Sayun platform, waiting for direction and asking one another what was happening:
‘What is it?’
‘What is happening?’
‘Why did the bell ring twice?’
As they were still gathered at the platform of Sayun and in great confusion, Latilati announced my imminent arrival in Sayun and my impending departure to earth.
After this announcement, the Sayun bell was rung again and the Band of Sayun sung saying:
‘Sayun is open, Sayun is open; Sayun is open for the saints of the lord.’
And when this song ended, the Sayun bell was rung again and the Band of Sayun sung a new song saying:
‘Our home up the hill, our home up the hill, our home up the hill;
Hill Calvary our home, hill Calvary our home, hill Calvary our home.’
As the bell of Sayun was ringing, Lucifer tried to divert the attention of the hosts of Sayun by ringing a bell on earth, which is just a short distance away from Sayun.
Lucifer’s bell was tuned for the following song:
‘Forever and forever, amen! Forever and forever, amen!’
But when Latilati saw Lucifer and his agents doing this, they went straight to them, wrestled them to the ground, trampled them under their feet, whipped them with their flaming swords, and warned them never again to cause any disruptions to the majestic assemblies of heaven.
This is how Latilati went ahead of me to prepare a place for me in the city of Sayun, which lies between Silita and Paradise.
Indeed, before my arrival, the hosts of Sayun went to Latilati and asked why the Holy Queen had taken a little longer to arrive in Sayun. They were eagerly waiting for the moment when I would finally sign up for the new covenant and take my flight to earth.

Mary’s Flight to Sayun

After the departure of Latilati, my jet took off from Paradise.
But before I left Paradise, I sent word to Sayun through the help of the Holy Spirit.
And my message to Sayun was this:
‘I am Mary, whose dwelling place is Silita.
After a successful meeting in Paradise, I am now coming for a meeting in Sayun.’
When I had sent this message, I boarded my jet and left for Sayun.
And as I boarded my jet, the Band of Paradise repeated the song:
‘Paradise is open, Paradise is open; Paradise is open for the saints of the Lord.’
My jet moved at 9,000 miles per second, which is slower than the speed of Latilati who move at 10,000 miles per second. In fact, after leaving Paradise, it took me 9 months to arrive in Sayun.
The angels who boarded my jet were Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.
So during our flight, angel Michael tried to use binoculars to check whether Latilati were still in space, but he could not see them because Latilati were moving at a higher speed.
I, Mary, finally arrived in Sayun and was met by joyous hosts. And as my jet landed, the bell of Sayun was rung and the Band of Sayun sung saying:
                   ‘Sayun is open, Sayun is open; Sayun is open for the saints of the lord.’
It is at Sayun where I boarded my plane to earth.”

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Who Is Timothy Atila: First Pope of Legion Maria

Timotheo Atila was born in 1941 at Kaksingri, Roo, in the old Migori District, but now Suba District. The son of Jacob Ojwang and Catherine Akinyi, Timothy belonged to the Kakione Clan of Suba community. Five years after the birth of Atila (named Hitler or Ahitler after Adolf Hitler of Germany); his family moved to Migori and settled in Raha village, Migori District.

Timothy Atila had good education according to the standards of his time. He completed secondary school education before becoming a member of Legion Maria clergy. He also attained Advanced Level Certificate while serving as a clergy. In March 1963, Timothy Atila was consecrated as the first Legion Maria cardinal. And in 1964, he rose to the papal rank after Legion Maria broke ranks with the Roman Catholic Church.

Being a warm, gentle and humble man, Timothy Atila had a gracious presence around him. He looked calm in the face of hardship and radiant in the face of gloom. During the time of Baba Simeo, Timothy Atila was down to earth. You would never know he was the pope unless someone reminded you of that. He sat down on the floor in the presence of the lord, always rendering his service whenever necessary, but always reminding himself that he was a sinful man who was in dire need for the grace of the God.

As a leader, Timothy Atila was selfless. He allowed every priest, bishop, archbishop and cardinal to do his job without undue interference. He knew the value of giving other people their space. But he was also firm and courageous. His unwavering resolve was at its peak when he stood above the petty divisions among Legion Maria members and took the body of Baba Simeo to Calvary, honoring the wishes of his lord without blinking an eye or ceding ground to human desires.

After the return of Baba Simeo to heaven, Timothy Atila led Legion Maria as a true shepherd. He faced rebellion from Cardinal Owino Obimbo, the lord’s brother, and remained cool even at the face of an unnecessary court battle. And during his time, more flock was added to the fold and Legio grew stronger.

Timothy Atila died on 12th June 1998 and was buried on 20th June 1998. He was buried at St. Mary Basilica, Calvary, which is the Legion Maria headquarters. His burial site is today a shrine visited by Legion Maria faithful. The burial service was conducted by his Eminence Cardinal Dean Lawrence Chiaji.

Timothy has gone ahead of us. He has joined the lord in his glory. He often greets us through the Holy Spirit, reminding us that when we serve the lord with dedication, humility and truth, we will shine in his Kingdom. He calls us to serve the lord; to remain faithful and humble; and to use our talents in spreading the message of the glory of God. He is our rock forever, the first among us to receive the keys to the gates of heaven, and the one who is forever the rock of Legion Maria.


“Timothy Atila, our rock. Pray for us so we can lead lives that are as humble as yours. Inspire us to know that leadership is not about ourselves but about the people we lead. Call us to know the lord, and lead us through the way, just as you led us when you were our leader here on earth. Amen.”